Movie Club Monday: 45+ Movies Based On Books

I had the best of intentions when it came to this month's theme for Movie Club Monday, but between having a new baby and then being in the hospital for a week with her when she was two weeks old for RSV and bacterial pneumonia, I wasn't able to do what I had in mind.  So that led me to plan B where I decided to poll some of my friends and find out what their favorite movies based on a book are.  Being a book lover, I have a hard time when books get adapted into movie form because inevitably they will have to leave parts out and sometimes they even change significant parts of the story line.  But every once in a while, you find a movie that stays pretty true to the book and it's enjoyable to sit back and watch the movie on a screen.  So I've listed out over 20 books that have been adapted to film and are worth looking into.

Staying Connected With Your Spouse After Having Kids

Staying connected with your spouse after having kids or a new baby can be hard but that doesn't mean you should put date nights on the back burner.  Learn more about the benefits of date night and how to make them work for you with at home date nights.
Adjusting to life as a couple after having a baby can be a real challenge.  So many of the things that seemed simple beforehand suddenly become more complicated and time consuming: leaving the house, taking a shower and even getting dinner on the table take more time, effort and planning.  With a new little one in the house, you will probably find yourself thinking that there is no way you can do it all.  And so you start looking at where you can compromise.  Unfortunately, one of the first things to get pushed to the back burner is your relationship with your partner.  It might be a mutual decision or an unspoken agreement, but either way it's going to take a toll on your relationship.  So you might be asking yourself, just like my husband and I have after having our first two kids: how can I stay connected with my spouse/partner after having a new baby?