Trick or Treat Safety Tips

Trick or treat safety tips to help you and your family enjoy Halloween.
Halloween is here!  It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are only a few weeks away and soon enough it will be the beginning of a new year.  I didn't understand what my mom meant when I was younger about time passing more quickly the older you get, but it certainly feels true now!  If your neighborhood is anything like mine, there are tons of families with young children.  This means that there will be lots of little people running around and knocking on doors asking for candy or treats tonight.  I remember one year my mom told some kids she wanted them to do a trick before she gave them a treat.  Haha!  They looked a little confused, but after a silly trick they got their treat.  *wink*  I have a few suggestions to (hopefully) make the night more enjoyable for everyone:

Fab 5: Falon and Emily

Hello and happy Friday!  I don't know about you, but I am really glad it's the weekend.  I've been dealing with sick kids for the last week and a half and now it seems I've developed a sore throat.  I swear, moms should not be allowed to get sick!

However, I do have another amazing post as part of my Fab 5 series and I'm pretty excited about it!  As I've done this series over the last four months, I have loved getting to know each one of these ladies.  They are all so talented and just straight up awesome.

Today, I have Falon from Falon Loves Life and Emily from The Crafty Carlson.  I have a lot in common with both of these ladies, but I think you'll find you probably do too!

Crock Pot Pork Roast

Throw this pork roast in the crock pot on low for 8 hours and you've got dinner!
Sunday dinner in my house means enjoying time with family.  Sometimes it's just dinner with my husband and two kids.  Other times we eat with my siblings and parents or my in-laws.  When it comes to Sunday dinner, I try to make it as easy on myself as possible so I have more time to spend with my family and less time in the kitchen.

Time Saving Hairstyles for Girls

Super simple time-saving tips for fixing hairstyles that stay in so you don't have to keep redo-ing it.
When I got pregnant with my first child, I knew it was going to be a girl.  The same thing happened with my second child, except I knew it was a boy.  Isn't it funny how we can feel these things sometimes?  When I got the confirmation from the radiologist that she was indeed a girl, my mind started going wild imagining all the cute clothes I would put her in, fixing her hair, painting her fingernails and toenails, mommy/daughter dates...  I was pretty darn excited!

3 Ways To Feel Good About Yourself

We are our own worst critics and focusing on our flaws isn't going to promote a healthy self image.  These are 3 things you can do to feel good about yourself.
When I was going through my awkward pre-teen and teenage years, I received a lot of comments about my size and weight.  I've always been tall and thin.  I have a high metabolism as well as being active.  Some of the comments I got were positive: "Wow, you look great!"  (Thank you.)  Others were stereotypical: "Are you trying out for cheerleading?"  (No, I'm not.)  And others implied that I had an eating disorder: "What do you eat everyday?  An apple?"  (I actually ate more than some grown men.)

One Year Blogiversary! {Plus 5 Lessons I've Learned}

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!
Wow!  I cannot believe it's been an entire year since I started my blogging journey!  When I first had the idea to start my own blog, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  Many nights have been spent at my computer writing up posts or editing pictures.  It's been exciting and crazy and frustrating and rewarding--sometimes all in the same day!  I've learned a lot about myself and met some amazing people.

When I re-launched my blog a couple of weeks ago, I received so much love and support and encouragement.  I was overwhelmed!  And so, my friends, this post is dedicated to you.

Today I want to share what I've learned (and am still learning) when it comes to this whole blogging adventure.

150+ Halloween Coloring and Activity Pages

150+ Halloween Coloring and Activity Pages
One of my kids' favorite activities is coloring.  I swear we pull out the bin of crayons, markers and colored pencils at least once a day.  As much fun as they have with our regular coloring books, it's good to mix it up a little and print out some holiday/seasonal coloring pages.  I've collected over 150 Halloween coloring and activity pages for you to choose from.

Halloween Mantle Inspiration and Dec-O-Ween Blog Hop

Get some Halloween decoration inspiration!  By choosing a color scheme, decorating for Halloween is easy!
Can you believe that Halloween is only a little over 2 weeks away?  This month is flying by!  Since I can only use my Halloween decorations for a limited amount of time each year, I tried to get them up quickly so we could enjoy them all month long.

Fall 2016 Walmart Beauty Box Review

Fall 2016 Walmart Beauty Box Review--Is it worth $5?
*I am reviewing this box by choice and have not received it for free, nor have I received any other compensation from Walmart.  All opinions are my own.*

I still can't believe that we are already into our second full week of Fall.  The weather here in Utah has definitely taken on a cooler feel with highs in the 60s last week.  Thankfully it's supposed to be in the 70s this week because I'm not quite ready to let go of the warmer weather.  Last week I received my Fall 2016 Walmart Beauty Box.  When I did a review of the Summer 2016 Beauty Box, I got a lot of interest in the post, so I thought I'd do a review of the Fall beauty box.

Time Saving Mom Contributor: Interview

Hello friends!  I hope you had a good weekend!  Mine was pretty laid back.  My husband took my daughter with him to play with her cousins while he helped to lay sod at his brother's house on Saturday morning so it was just me and my 2 year old.  Sometimes I forget how to hang out with one kid, you know?  I get so used to having both kids around and they just play with each other all day.  My kids definitely get bored more quickly when their other half is gone.  Although running errands is a million times easier, so I can't complain there.  Sunday was relaxing with going to church and having our monthly dinner with my husband's family and just basically recharging for the week ahead.

Preschool Halloween Party on a Budget

In August of this year, I attended a blogging workshop.  While there, I met a fellow mommy blogger named Kyla (she blogs over at Ford-ology) who lives about 15 minutes away from me and has two kids the same ages as mine but opposite genders.  It was like a match made in heaven!  That night, she and I got to talking and decided that we definitely needed to collaborate on a post in the near future.

One day Kyla and I ran into each other at Hobby Lobby with our kids, who immediately started talking and playing with each other like they were already friends.  As Kyla and I were talking about activities our kids could do together for a playdate, it slowly evolved into a preschool/toddler Halloween party on a budget.  (Funny how things work huh?)  The more she and I talked, the more it all came together.  So today we are each sharing how you can host a fun, simple and entertaining Halloween party for your kids and their friends without breaking the bank.

Sunshine & Munchkins Re-Launch

Come see the new look and feel of Sunshine & Munchkins!
Aaahhh!  I am SO excited!  I have seriously been anticipating this day for months.  What day is that?, you might ask.  It's the day I get to show you my whole new look for Sunshine and Munchkins!

Fall Home Tour: Front Porch and Fall Mantle Inspiration

Fall Home Tour: Front Porch and Mantle Inspiration plus 8 other bloggers share how they decorate their homes for the fall!
I love Fall.  I love the bright colors of the leaves as they change.  I love the cooler weather.  I love pumpkins and cornstalks and sunflowers.  So it should come as no surprise that these are the things I use and think about as I decorate my home for the change of season from summer to fall.  I've teamed up with At Home (who has graciously sponsored this post) to bring you some fall inspiration for your home.