One Year Blogiversary! {Plus 5 Lessons I've Learned}

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!
Wow!  I cannot believe it's been an entire year since I started my blogging journey!  When I first had the idea to start my own blog, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  Many nights have been spent at my computer writing up posts or editing pictures.  It's been exciting and crazy and frustrating and rewarding--sometimes all in the same day!  I've learned a lot about myself and met some amazing people.

When I re-launched my blog a couple of weeks ago, I received so much love and support and encouragement.  I was overwhelmed!  And so, my friends, this post is dedicated to you.

Today I want to share what I've learned (and am still learning) when it comes to this whole blogging adventure.

My family is my greatest support system
My kids and my husband have been so wonderful throughout this entire process.  My kids have been patient as I've taken pictures of activities or of them.  They've helped me make meals and desserts.  My husband has watched the kids countless weekday evenings and Saturday mornings so that I can get my projects and posts done.  He supported me when I told him I wanted to get my entire blog redone and gave me suggestions and opinions because he wants to see me succeed.  There is no way I'd be able to do any of this without my family by my side.

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!

Blogging is not for the faint of heart
Holy crap.  No one can explain how much WORK it takes to run a blog.  I could easily work on blogging stuff all. day. long. and still not get everything done that I want to.  There have been many times when I've just stared at my computer, willing my brain to work and think of a post to write.  Never mind that I've got a family to take care of on top of all my blogging.  There are days when I feel like I seriously have two full time jobs.  Unless you've actually done a blog consistently, it's hard to describe how much time and energy it takes to upkeep and improve.  Don't get me wrong.  I love blogging.  But it is WORK.

I have an awesome network of blogging friends
About six months ago, I asked a blogging friend of mine for advice about how to get more involved in the blogging world.  One of the suggestions she gave me was to join some Facebook groups dedicated to blogging so that I could network with them.  This piece of advice has been invaluable to me because as a result, I've "met" some amazing people!  I've even met some of them in real life and we are friends who have more in common than just blogging.  There are so many wonderful people out there and I've been truly blessed to run in the same circle as them (even if it is mostly a virtual circle).

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!

Numbers don't matter
I didn't really take this lesson to heart until this last summer when I attended a local blogging workshop.  Over the course of the evening, I was able to talk with many different people and get to know them.  Not just about their blog or their strategies, but who they were as people.  Up until that point, all of my interactions with other bloggers had been online.  After meeting them, my whole perspective changed and I was able to think about each person who visited my blog as a person and not just a number.  Would I like to reach thousands of people a day?  Sure I would!  But not if it means that I forget that each person visiting my blog has a life, a family, a career, dreams and hopes.  So please know that I appreciate each and every one of you who takes the time to click on my links or read my posts.

It's hard to be vulnerable
One of the very hardest things about blogging is letting people into your world.  Letting them see you.  Maybe even letting them see your family.  Taking a peek into your personal challenges and trials.  Acknowledging that you're human and your life isn't perfect and you make mistakes (a lot of them).  Being vulnerable is scary.  But you know what?  It's also super rewarding in a lot of cases because when you're vulnerable, you have the opportunity to connect in a way that isn't possible otherwise.


Also, I want to thank the Sweet Tooth Fairy for donating some cupcakes to help me celebrate my blogiversary!  They even wished me Happy Blogiversary on my box.  If you are in Utah, you've probably heard of them (although they do have a location in AZ and FL).  They even won Food Network's Cupcake Wars!  So they are pretty darn good.  Just look at these pictures and tell me you don't want one.

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!

My kids thought the cupcakes were really good too. *wink*

Blogging is not for the faint of heart!  This is just one of the 5 lessons I've learned over the last year.  Click through to see the other 4!

Thank you again everyone and here's to another amazing year!


  1. Congrats on your first year! It's very true that blogging is a lot of work, I was just telling some friends about it over the weekend though and they were shocked! Anyway, keep up the good work ^^

    1. Thank you! I think unless you've done the whole blogging thing, it's difficult to explain to others how much work/time it really takes.

  2. Congrats on your first year! Here's to many, many more!!

  3. Those cupcakes are so adorable, and congratulations on your first year of blogging! I just had my two year blogiversary earlier this month, and it's so crazy how much can happen (and grow) in what seems like a short amount of time!

    1. Thank you Holly! The time went by so quickly, but I'm looking forward to growing and learning more.

  4. Happy blogiversary!! Those cupcakes look amazing!!

    1. Thank you Emily! And the cupcakes really were delicious!

  5. Congratulations on your 1-year blogaversary! You've come a long way in so short a time! Best of luck for your future in the blogging world! xo

  6. Congratulations! I'm only a few months in and, although I had heard it from everyone out there, I was still surprised at how much work it really does take. It's so important to find balance. Thanks for sharing your experience!

    1. Thank you Sarah! Balance is probably the hardest part of it all.

  7. I just celebrated my first blogiversary! Totally agree with you on how hard it is to keep up. I know that some months it felt like I couldn't keep this going, but one year into it and I'm still going strong.

    Good luck and may you have many more successful and exciting things happen to you. I loooove the rebranding. Btw. Cheers.

    1. Thank you! And congrats on your first blogiversary too! It's crazy how much time and energy I've put into blogging but I've really enjoyed it so far.

  8. Thank you Vaishnavi! I feel bad that it took me some time to get to the point where I realized that numbers really don't matter. They are great, of course, but not the point of blogging.

  9. Congratulations Shani! I did not realize you were blogging for only a year because you seem to be doing very well!! Blogging is no easy work at all but I am glad you have a supportive family. How fun it is to meet bloggers in real life - the connection goes deeper. And yes, I will take few of these cupcakes please!! They look so good - that one with the reeses pieces!!

    1. Thanks Zan! It's hard to believe it's only been a year, but at the same time, it really flew by! I'm very grateful for my family and their support.

  10. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Blogging is one of the hardest "hobbies" (aka a job that nobody pays you for!) out there. Good work so far, and I can't wait to see where Year 2 takes you :)

    1. Thank you Valerie! Blogging is hard, but it's a lot of fun too so it's worth it. ;)

  11. Happy anniversary! Great points. I totally agree not it's not for everyone. It's exhausting and scary sometimes but it's great.

  12. Congrats on one year! It is SO MUCH WORK but totally worth it. Keep going you're doing great!

  13. Happy Blogiversary! It's tons of work but so much fun!!

  14. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Blogging is SO.MUCH.WORK. but totally worth it for your loyal followers/readers. Keep it up, girl!

  15. Happy Blogiversary! You have done such an amazing job with your blog and I always love reading your posts. You are so spot on with needing family support and building a community. Blogging is such hard work and it is great to have a family that supports you and blogging friends that understand what it means to be blogger!

    1. Thank you Sabrina! You are so sweet. I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my posts. Having a network of family and friends is essential to success.

  16. Happy Blogiversary! Blogging can really be exhausting at times, but it's also a lot of fun! And you're right, it's almost impossible to without family support and a great network.
    On to another great blogging year! ;)
    XO! Vanessa
