I Am Amazing Because...

Wow, can you believe we are already into the second week of the new year?  Christmas seems like a distant memory and school is back in swing for many kids (mine included).  If you're anything like me, you consider the new year a time for new beginnings.  A time to start doing something we want to or stop doing something we don't want or like.  We make goals to change something about ourselves.  To improve.  We make plans to travel, visit family or friends or try something new.  While this is all fine and well, it can get kind of overwhelming if we let ourselves get too caught up in the 'new year, new you' slogan that seems to permeate this time of year.

Don't get me wrong: I am definitely a goal-oriented person and I've made several goals for myself this year.  Maybe you've done the same thing.  But when was the last time you took a step back and thought about all the things you like about yourself?  The things you're good at.  Accomplishments that might seem small to someone else but are huge for you.  I think sometimes I get so focused on making changes or improving myself that I forget about the things that make me special.  Everyone wants to be unique and loved for who they are, myself included.  And as I mentioned above, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be better.  But are we afraid of telling other people what makes us amazing?  Do we downplay our strengths or talents or abilities so we don't appear to be boastful or "better" than someone else?

A fellow blogger friend of mine, Natashia from Canary Jane, has started a campaign to help us each recognize how amazing we are within ourselves and to see the unique qualities in those around us.  Myself and the other bloggers participating want to share a message of love and confidence.  We need more positivity and less shaming in the world and I feel like this is especially true when it comes to social media.  I love this message and hope we can all get on board and share it with others.

To help get things started, I want to share with you some things that I think are amazing about myself:

I am patient.  My thoughts and opinions have value.  I don't let hard things keep me down and have the ability to keep moving forward.  I love to learn.  I have a strong body that allows me to play with my kids and exercise.  I plan meals for my family and budget our money so we are able to live well and save money.  I teach my children how to love themselves and those around them.  I am a good wife to my husband.  I recognize that I am not perfect and I do my best to not let that tear me down and just keep trying to do better than the day before.   And that is just a little bit about me and why I am amazing.

As you begin your new year, I challenge you to think about what makes you amazing.  Write it down.  Hang it on your bathroom mirror.  Put it on a note card next to your bed.  (Natashia has a couple of simple printables for you on her blog.)  On the days when you are feeling down or like you can't do anything right, take a look at what makes you amazing.  If you feel so inclined, you can share what makes you amazing by using the hashtag #IAMAMAZINGBECAUSE.  I wish you the best as you begin this new year!


  1. I love the idea behind this! I think I'm amazing because I can always remain positive!

    1. That is a great trait to have Adriana! The ability to stay positive can make or break tough situations and really affects our perspective.

  2. I love the idea behind this campaign. It is so important!

    1. So important Savanna! Too often we focus on our weaknesses instead of our strengths. Not to say we shouldn't try to improve, but we need to remember that we aren't half bad to start out with. ;)

  3. I love this! We're so quick to point out our faults and flaws, but we're all pretty amazing and it's so good to recognize and acknowledge that too.

    1. Amen Crystal! We ARE amazing and it's totally okay and beneficial to our health (mental, physical, spiritual, emotional).

  4. What an awesome campaign!! I agree that we forget about what makes us special. It's something we need to remind ourselves of more. Keep being amazing Shani!

    1. Thank you so much Mistle! You are so sweet to say that. It's so easy to point out flaws, but we really need to remember that we have amazing traits as well and it's important to recognize them in ourselves and those around us.

  5. this movement is so inspiring! it's so hard especially as a mama to not get down on ourselves, and I love the positive impact this can have on our children through modeling!

    1. Amen Lindsay! Kids learn through watching us so it's important we are always watching ourselves.

  6. I love this and we all need to remember to do this because we get so wrapped in others, social media, new year and comparing we forget what makes US special. This was such a good reminder thank you.


    1. Exactly Lauren. It's so easy to see other people and the lives they are living and in turn, become unhappy with ourselves and our lives. A positive self-image is vital.

  7. What a great reminder -- especially when we are surround by blogs, social media and constant comparison. Love learning a bit about you, too!

    1. Thanks Lora! As much as I love blogging, it can be hard not to compare my beginning to someone else's middle. But if I can remember what makes me amazing, then it keeps me going and feeling like I can contribute something of value to the world.

  8. I LOVE this! I feel like as mothers we are constantly putting others first, especially the kiddos. Sometimes it's a nice reminder to remember that you are special, too.

    1. Exactly Sarah. I know that when I get a compliment or look at something and think I did a good job on it using a particular talent, I always feel so much better about myself, which fills my cup.

  9. I love this idea! Sometimes we definitely need a reminder of what makes us us and what makes us amazing. It's so easy to get lost in everyday life and forget about us and our qualities. Thanks for reminding us!
    XO! Vanessa

    1. So true Vanessa. It's easy to get caught up in the housework or errands or our job. But taking a few minutes to just remember that you really are amazing is a great pick-me-up. :)
