{Free} Printable Packing List

Print out a copy for each member in your family to help everyone get packed up for your next trip!
A couple of weeks ago, I shared that I would be going to Orlando this month for a much needed vacation with my husband.  This will be the first vacation he and I have taken together that is more than an overnight since our first child was born over 5 years ago.  As you can imagine, we're pretty dang excited!  My goal at the beginning of this week is to get all packed up and ready to go.  I am a list maker and so it should be no surprise that I have made a packing list for myself to make sure that I don't forget anything I need to take with me.  Some people have the attitude that if they forget something, they can just pick it up wherever they are going.  If that is you, then awesome!  But I am totally a planner and that kind of stresses me out.  So, lists.

If you are like me and like to make lists, but also want to save yourself time and energy, then today is your lucky day!  I have a free printable packing list for you.  Just print it out each time you need to pack for any type of trip or vacation, fill in the quantities and check each item off the list or cross it off if it doesn't apply to you.  There are also a few extra lines in each category to add anything else you need to take with you.  Print one out for each member of your family to help everyone stay organized.

To download, click on the image.  You can choose a pink or blue title.

Print out a copy for each member in your family to help everyone get packed up for your next trip!

Print out a copy for each member in your family to help everyone get packed up for your next trip!

Also, you'll definitely want to check in next week!  I'm going to be sharing my review of the amazing hotel we'll be staying at and I can't wait!


  1. Thanks for sharing, I always need help packing!

  2. I SO need this for my trips! I always forget something!

    Greta | www.gretahollar.com

  3. Oh my gosh, I'm with you, I hate the thought of forgetting anything. And I can't wait to see your review!!

    1. Surprisingly, (or maybe not) I didn't forget anything on this trip. I call that a success!

  4. You've thought of everything. I am pretty good at packing everything we need but I usually forget one or two items. This would help prevent that from happening.

    1. My thought behind this list is that usually I end up forgetting something pretty basic, while it's the things that are specific to my trip that I remember. I hope you find it helpful for your next trip!

  5. I love myself a good check list!! :) Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hey Shani,

    You just nailed it! This is what I needed for last few month but the idea didn't hit my mind. You just made my day!

    Would love to see more such life hack check lists to make our life easier!
