May In Numbers

May in Numbers | A fun monthly review using only numbers!
Whoosh!  Did you hear that?  It was the sound of May rushing past! *wink*  But seriously, I feel like I just wrote last months summary.  A lot of fun things happened in May, but most of them happened in single digits.

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1 - Dance recital.  We celebrated the end of my daughter's second year of dance with her studio's spring recital.  She performed in two dances: jazz (Dynamite - Kid Bop version) and ballet (See the Light from Rapunzel).  I am absolutely amazed at the growth she's experienced this year and her teacher said that she can move up a level to be with the bigger girls next year!  I was also able to pick up her dance pictures I posted about last month and they turned out absolutely darling!  Although I'm dying a little at how much she's grown and changed in a year.

May in Numbers | A fun monthly review using only numbers!

May in Numbers | A fun monthly review using only numbers!

4 - Books read.  Last month I shared my summer 2017 reading list and one of the books I wanted to read is called Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier.  It's the first of a trilogy and I picked the first and second one up at the library.  My neighbor casually mentioned that she had the third book and that I was welcome to borrow it because she knew how quickly the series moves.  Let's just say I texted her the next day and told her I was going to need that third book, haha.  So I finished the trilogy in about a week.  Just prior to picking up this series, I read the assigned reading for my neighborhood book club called The Knight of Redmond by Jennifer K. Clark.  I'll be picking up more books from the library soon!

9 - Years since we got married (aka Our 9 Year Anniversary).  My husband and I had so much fun for our anniversary this year.  We didn't do anything really big because we are hoping to go somewhere really cool for our 10 year anniversary next year.  My mom came out and watched our kids for us.  First, we went to dinner at P.F. Chang's and ordered their lettuce wraps to share, then the crispy honey shrimp and Mongolian beef.  Afterwards, we went to a little place called Provo Beach Resort.  It's one of those places that has a bunch of activities all in the same place.  We got a pass and did the obstacle course, bowling (my husband won both games), mini croquet and some arcade games.  Our favorite arcade game was a Pac Man air hockey where it would drop about 20 pucks onto the table at the same time and you had to try and block them and make points (I won!).

May in Numbers | A fun monthly review using only numbers!

May in Numbers | A fun monthly review using only numbers!

1 - Amazing Mother's Day.  While I've enjoyed all of the Mother's Days I've celebrated being a mother myself, this year was probably my favorite.  My husband got up with the kids so I could sleep in as long as I wanted.  Then he made breakfast for all of us.  Afterwards, the kids gave me the cards they'd made and my present: a new DSLR camera!  I'd had my old one for about four years, but it didn't quite have all the capabilities I wanted so my husband had been on the lookout for a new one at a great price and he found one!  I was really surprised and so happy.  (Be on the lookout for some videos!)  After church, we had family over for a big dinner.  It was a wonderful day.

May in Numbers | A fun monthly review using only numbers!

168 - Amount spent on new tires.  Seriously, who likes buying new tires?  They are so dang expensive!  But I had to buy them in order to get our car registered so it was a necessary purchase.

11 - Types of plants growing in my garden.  We decided to upgrade our garden boxes this year from the two smaller beds to one big U-shaped raised bed.  My husband did a great job building it and I'm so glad we did it.  Our garden seems to be growing the best it has since we started it four years ago.  We planted peas, pole beans, tomatoes (two types), carrots, radishes, raspberries, strawberries, green onions, pumpkin, rosemary and cilantro.

May in Numbers | A fun monthly review using only numbers!

2 - Blogger events attended.  When I started blogging back in October 2015, I honestly never expected to find so many new friends.  Some I've met in person, others through email or social media.  It's kind of like having a pen pal who you feel like you know because you've interacted with them so much, but sometimes you never meet them.  Well, I am lucky enough to live in an area where there are quite a number of bloggers so blogger events come up pretty regularly.  The first one I went to was a blogger conference the second week of the month.  The second one was just last week where we got to visit a newly opened events area at a unique little place called Gardner Village.  I rode up with Julia from The Quiet Grove and found out she knows my sister in law!  Honestly, meeting other bloggers has become one of my favorite parts of blogging.

May in Numbers | A fun monthly review using only numbers!

1 - Preschool graduation.  My daughter completed her second year of preschool last week and she starts kindergarten this fall!  I am kind of in denial about it.  But I know she will love it.  She is a very sweet and social girl who makes friends with everyone, but also loves learning.

May in Numbers | A fun monthly review using only numbers!

May in Numbers | A fun monthly review using only numbers!

40 - Pounds of chicken ordered.  Yes, you read that right.  I ordered 40lbs of chicken and it's set to be picked up in a couple of weeks.  We have a deep freezer so we have the space for it, but holy moly!  I'm pretty sure we'll be set with chicken for the next few months.  I ordered it through a company called Zaycon Fresh and they are a meat co-op.  I'll be sharing a post about them later this month but if you're interested in checking them out before then, you can use my link here.

5 - (more) Pairs of underwear destroyed.  We are still dealing with potty training issues over here.  Please send prayers.  And chocolate.

2 - Items crossed off our summer bucket list.  The kids and I made a summer bucket list a couple of weeks ago and I put it all on a big poster board that is now hanging in our front room/kitchen area.  We were able to cross off a hike to Battle Creek Falls on Memorial Day.  Afterwards, we made a visit to a local pet store called The Puppy Barn where they sell just puppies.  You can go in there and hold them and play with them and it is my favorite way to get my puppy fix since I don't see us getting a dog any time soon.

My kids love this fun summer bucket list!  Just some stickers, scrap paper and a marker are all you need!

You can check out my other month in numbers posts below:

February Month In Numbers
March Month In Number: Orlando Edition 
April Month In Numbers

Also, I'm linking up with Deena from Shoes to Shiraz who hosts the month in numbers link party.  You can go see who else is linking up and see what their May in numbers looks like.

My kids are just getting over a cold, but I'm looking forward to a fun June coming up!


  1. Sounds like a great month. I love your summer bucket list!

  2. your summer bucket list chart is adorable!! I should do something like that with my kiddos

  3. What a fun way to do a recap! Happy anniversary!!

  4. It seems like you had a great month - that was such a fun way to celebrate your anniversary!

  5. Wow, you've been busy! I love this idea of breaking down each month by numbers.

  6. Happy Summer!! Looks like such a great list!!

  7. Sounds like your May was really great Shani! Happy Anniversary to you two, I've heard of the Provo Beach Resort and think that it sounds so fun!

  8. You had such a great month! Happy anniversary!

  9. Happy Anniversary--sounds like you had a lot of fun. I would def like to get a deep freezer and order 40 lbs of meat!

  10. You have an adorable family :) And the summer bucket list is just brilliant! I am also going to make one for my children and I :)

  11. Sounds like you had a great May! How fun that you got to attend some blogging events! It's so fun to socialize with other bloggers! Don't worry, I needed a new tire last week, because I ran over a screw. Tired aren't cheap. Hope your June is just as great!

  12. I love love love the way you did this post. I haven't actually ever seen a month in numbers post but I enjoyed getting to know you!!!!

  13. Sounds like you've had a busy month! Your new camera sounds wonderful. Yay for new tools! Your bucket list looks like fun!

  14. Thanks for linking up! I wish I lived somewhere with more blogger activity.
