$10 @ Target: Sweets and Treats

Happy Monday!  I'm in denial that we are already half way through January.  Wasn't Christmas just last week...?  Either way, I'm trying to enjoy the last few weeks before baby #3 joins the party.  I headed over to Target this last weekend (kid-free!) and joined the throngs of women wandering walking with purpose through the aisles.  (Who am I kidding?  I spent 2 hours just browsing through different departments.)  If you were with me last year, you know that once I month I go to Target with the goal to spend just $10 and see what I can get, so let me show you!

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I'll be honest and tell you that this month I didn't do much digging for great deals or obscure finds.  I wasn't looking for anything in particular so of course I beelined it for the dollar spot the minute I walked through the door to find some of the things I never knew I needed. *wink*  With Valentine's Day coming up next month, the majority of what they had out was pink, red and white with hearts all over.  I have enough Valentine's decor for the time being so I looked around for other items.  I'll start with my favorite one I found: shrinky dinks.

Who did these when they were a kid?  Maybe it's just one of those nostalgic activities like spirographs or the Easy Bake Oven, but I thought my kids would think these were so much fun!  My plan is to pull them out in February when it's a little closer to Valentine's Day.  For $3, it comes with a decent number of shrinky dinks plus some markers and string.

The next thing I found were packs of pencils with cute designs on them.  Perfect for Valentine's for my daughter's classroom with a few to spare.  I'm thinking I might do something simple like, "You're so sharp, Valentine!" or something equally cheesy.  *wink*

Every year I tell myself that I'm going to plan a fun Valentine's dinner for my family, like some of the ones I shared in my ultimate Valentine's Day round up last year.  But part of what makes it fun is having items specifically used for these little celebrations.  So when I saw this set of four flower plates for $3, I grabbed them up.

And last, but not least, I threw a Snickers bar into my cart before checking out.  Snickers are my favorite candy bar and it was less than a dollar, which means I came in just over $10 including tax.  Not bad right?  I'm pretty happy with my purchases and know my kids will be excited about them too!

Like I said above, each month I go to Target and see what I can make it out of the store with for just $10!  It's a fun challenge and I've got a fun group of ladies who join me and share their finds as well.  You can check them out below and then tell me: do you think you can make it out of Target spending $10 or less?  I'd love to see what you buy!

Becky  |  by BYBMG
Danielle  |  Sparkles and Lattes


  1. What awesome finds! Where did you find the Shrinky Dinks!?! I missed those. Might need to make another trip...

  2. Oh I bet my 4 year old would love doing the shrinky dinks! I do remember those from when I was a kid. Fun!
