Dressing Up Your Holidays with Metallic Accesories

A little bit of sparkle and shine can often be just what I need to complete my outfit, especially during the holidays with all the fun events going on.  Check out these drool-worthy pieces and maybe add a few to your collection!
"Silver and gold.  Silver and gold.  Everyone wishes for silver and gold..."  (Name that old claymation classic Christmas movie!)  'Tis the season to wear everything sparkly and shiny!  Amiright?  Many of you saw the dress I wore to my husband's work Christmas party last weekend on Instagram and it got me thinking about just how much fun it is to wear things that sparkle and shine.  I've always been a lover of all things silver and that is most of what I wear when it comes to jewelry, but I've slowly started adding more gold to my wardrobe and accessories and I have to say that I'm loving it!  With all the holiday parties and get togethers this time of year, I thought it would be fun to share some of the pieces that I'm drooling over!

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Like I mentioned above, silver is definitely my go-to when it comes to accessorizing, so I thought I'd start with some accessories that I'd love to add to my collection!




For the longest time, I didn't own one single piece of gold jewelry.  I'm not sure what changed my mind or even when it happened, but I'm so glad I did!




And of course we know that an outfit it never complete without the right pair of shoes! These ones have me ooh-ing and aah-ing and wishing I had more events to dress up for.
Lipstick, phone and maybe a little lotion or perfume is all you really need when you are going to a fancy event.  I really missed having one of these at my husband's work party!
Hair Accessories 
I love wearing a little bit of sparkle in my hair! Sometimes I think it's the difference between an outfit being "almost perfect" and "perfect".
I hope you had fun picking out your favorite drool-worthy pieces! I know I definitely did! I'm linking up today for my last post in the Year of Color series I've been participating in this year. (If this is your first time hearing about the series, you can click HERE to see all the Year of Color posts I've shared.)

As you might have guessed, this month the color was METALLICS. Check out below what these talented ladies have come up with to share with you this month!


  1. I'm a sucker for anything shiny- add glitter, gold and silver and I'm in. These trends have been so big this year. I'm glad you shared these lists! Made it easier for me to pick a pair.

  2. OMG! I love everything metallic and shimmery! Such a perfect type of accessory for this season!

  3. So many pretty metallic accessories, I love the pretty clutches, I always like to have a clutch with me when I'm going out for a special night.

  4. oh my! So many pretty things here that I want! I must show this to my husband and see if he can pick up a few of these for me!

  5. These pieces are all so gorgeous! I love the shoes and the bracelet cuff.

  6. These are beautiful pieces. I love such versatile pieces that you can style the way you want!

    - www.allshethings.com
