$10 at Target: Back Seat Boredom Busters and Organization

When we bought our new van last fall, we moved my daughter to the back seat in preparation for when baby #3 would be joining us.  She loves having the back seat all to herself and being able to color and read to her heart's content, but unfortunately, it's become a bit of a mess due to a lack of organization.  I've been meaning to find something for her to store her different belongings, but it didn't happen.  That is, until I went to Target last week and found some awesome stuff in the dollar spot!

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Trying to find a solution to our back seat organization problem has been on my mind for a few months, but with all the preparations for the new baby, her birth, then our time in the hospital, it hasn't happened.  As I looked around the dollar spot at Target, I found a bunch of different car activities.  But when I saw this combination clip board storage case for $5, I snatched it up.  It was perfect for holding my daughter's colored pencils, coloring pages and stickers. (You can find a similar one here.)

Next, I picked up a cool activity book for each of my kids (similar).  It's small enough that it won't take up a lot of space, but there are a ton of fun things for them to do, plus stickers.  I also love that it's small enough to fit inside my daughter's new clip board storage case.  #winning  Some of the activities might be a little advanced for my son but there are enough that he can do by himself or ask for help with that I think it will be worth the $3 I spent on each of them.

In all, I spent a little over the $10 that is part of the monthly Target challenge I co-host, but for what I got, I'm totally okay with that!  With the end of school coming up and summer right around the corner, I expect that we'll be spending some time in the car doing different activities and I know we'll get some great use out of the things I found.  Plus, if it helps my car stay organized at the same time, then it's definitely worth the extra $1 I spent. *wink*

To see what the other co-hosts got for $10 at their local Target, check out the links below.  And we'd love for you to join us next month and let us know what you found.

Dara  |  Not In Jersey
Sarah  |  Foxy's Domestic Side
Christine  |  Swordfights & Starry Nights 
Becky  |  by BMG 

Can you spend just $10 at Target?


  1. This is so fun. I wonder what I could do at target with 10 dollars. Maybe this could turn into a radicle world changing challenge. lol

  2. What a great idea! I'm going to have to keep an eye out for one of those clipboard boxes--my son would love to have his own little activity box in the car!

  3. Oooo what a fun link up! I'll have to come back to join in the fun.

  4. These are such good ideas - we always try to keep small things like this in the backseat, too!

  5. What a great deal! Also, with the summer coming up and long car rides, this would be perfect. Great timing, thanks for sharing.

  6. These are great ideas for kids especially on long trips! My son loved this kind of stuff when he was younger. It's inexpensive, too, so that's a plus!

  7. Target has been nailing it in the dollar spot lately!!! I need to get back into these $10 at Target posts, they are so fun and I haven’t joined in for so long!


  8. Oh. My. Gosh. I need that clipboard in my (daughter's) life!!!! We go on road trips often, and she has stuff everywhere, which then goes everywhere since she's in the very back. AMAZING!!!!

  9. This is such a great idea!! I need something better for my daughter, that is for sure!

  10. I was just at the Dollar Spot today and couldn't believe all the fun things for kiddos that would be perfect for the car, love this idea!

  11. Great finds! I always get our road trip activities from the Dollar Spot!
