White Chocolate Dipped Oreos

White Chocolate Dipped Oreos--a quick and easy treat to make for any occasion!
I've been doing some thinking lately about an easy treat I could make for my daughter's Valentine's Day party at preschool.  Since it's her party, I also wanted to have it be something that she could help me make so she felt a part of it.  This morning, I was looking in the pantry and spotted a package of Oreos and had an idea: white chocolate dipped Oreos!  Yummy and easy.

They are fairly simple to make and only require a handful of ingredients:
  • Oreos
  • Melting wafers, chocolate chips or almond bark (I used almond bark)
  • Sprinkles
White Chocolate Dipped Oreos--a quick and easy treat to make for any occasion!

To start out, melt your chocolate, following the directions on the package.  (I find that almond bark and melting wafers are best straight out of the bag because even once the chocolate hardens again, it's still soft.  If you want to use chocolate chips, add a teeny bit of shortening or vegetable oil as you melt them and that will help the chocolate not be as hard once it sets up.)
White Chocolate Dipped Oreos--a quick and easy treat to make for any occasion!

Dip the Oreos into the chocolate.  I did it two ways: halfway and completely covered.  If you want a completely chocolate covered Oreo, use a fork to flip the cookie around in the chocolate.  When you lift it out, gently shake the fork and let any excess chocolate drip off.

White Chocolate Dipped Oreos--a quick and easy treat to make for any occasion!

Put your dipped cookies on a silicone baking mat (I use this brand) or wax paper.  Sprinkle with sprinkles if desired.  Let set for about 30 minutes.  You can also pop them in the fridge or freezer for a fast set.

To package my cookies, I used sandwich bags tied with ribbon and the zipper part cut off.

*Tip: Turn your bag of cookies over, then slide the ribbon under the bag and tie it.  Flip it over and double knot it.  Curl the ribbon (if desired/needed) and cut the top off the zipper bag.

White Chocolate Dipped Oreos--a quick and easy treat to make for any occasion!

Simple, right?  The whole thing took me less than an hour, including letting the chocolate set.  Easy peasy.

White Chocolate Dipped Oreos--a quick and easy treat to make for any occasion!
Want to make your own hurricane vase?  Check out my tutorial!

White Chocolate Dipped Oreos--a quick and easy treat to make for any occasion!

Do you like making treats for your kids to take on Valentine's Day?

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