You Know You're a Blogger When...

How do you know if you're a blogger?  Read what these 5 bloggers have to say!
For as long as I can remember, I've always been interested in how people think and why they think the way they do, which in turn causes them to act a certain way.  I find it totally fascinating.  We each have different talents and abilities, likes and dislikes, interests and desires.  For example, I'm really glad that there are people out there who like accounting.  I hate accounting (and pretty much anything to do with math), but I am really grateful for them when tax season comes around. *wink*  There are also people out there who do this crazy thing called blogging.  And unless you are a blogger, you probably don't think like a blogger or even know what bloggers think about in the first place.  Well my friends, you're about to find out.

When I started Sunshine & Munchkins 16 months ago, I didn't really know what I was doing.  I set up a new blog separate from my personal one, bought a domain name, created social media accounts and read A LOT of articles found on Pinterest about all things blogging.  Slowly but surely, I've learned about HTML, photography, finding my voice, telling stories, sharing my vulnerabilities and challenges with strangers and making friends all over the world.  Blogging is a powerful thing, even if it's only for the person doing it.

But enough about me.  What you want to know is how to know if you're a blogger!  Odds are if you're reading this, you already are one and are looking to connect and maybe have a little laugh, almost like an inside joke that only bloggers will get.  If you aren't a blogger, then this is going to be a fun little peek into our brains.  You'll get to see how we think, feel and try not to go crazy trying to manage our lives and this blog thing that you don't really understand why or how we do it.  (Kind of like our kids!)

I've partnered up with 4 other awesome bloggers to share "You Know You're A Blogger When..."  You can read the full post on Little Dove.  Then be sure to check out the other ladies and their blogs and social media.  You just mind find someone new to like (besides me, of course *wink*).


  1. Love the blog post!!! I agree that finding any way to document what is going on in our lives is key.

    1. So true Mistle! Whatever way we choose to do it, we just need to do it! ;)

  2. I read the post at Little Dove earlier...I found myself thinking about how I know I'm a blogger. I think it's just carrying around a camera and always thinking about future posts!

    1. Haha, yes! I feel like my brain is always looking for things to share on my blog.

  3. Such a great blog post! I love finding new bloggers and learning a little bit about them!

  4. I've been blogging for a few years and I still feel like there's a lot about HTML yet to learn...maybe I'm just a slow learner, ha!

    1. Oh my goodness, I am nowhere near being a pro at it! But I have learned a few things along the way that have been helpful.

  5. I feel like people put too much pressure on themselves. If you blog, you're a blogger. There's no college degree for it. You're a blogger. You're special and wonderful and don't ever let anyone say "to be a real blogger you must do x,y,z." No. You're already a REAL blogger.

  6. Loved this Shani! Thank you so much for participating in my "You know you are when" series! And I love what Ashley said in her comment too about how if you blog you're a blogger already!

    1. You're so welcome Justine! It was a fun series to participate in and I loved reading what everyone shared.

  7. Funny series and so true! HAHA photographing food for surrreee... but only if the lighting is good ;)

    1. I know right? I am not a food photographer but if the lighting is good, it sure makes a difference!

  8. How funny is this! I LOVE IT. So relatable.

  9. Love this post! Love the one about the 'imaginary friends'

    1. Haha, me too! It's funny how you can become friends with people you've never met before.

  10. I LOVE the lighting comments haha! It's so true!!! Or the more friends online than in real life - also very true! What a fun series!

    1. Haha, I know right? I'm glad we can laugh at ourselves.

  11. I love this - laughing out loud to all these too-true thoughts!
