46 Ways To Have Fun This Summer {plus a FREE printable}

46 Ways To Have Fun This Summer {plus a FREE printable}
I am totally one of those people who LOVES to-do lists.  I get a ridiculous amount of satisfaction when I put a little check mark next to something that is on my to-do list and sometimes I even add things to my to-do list that weren't there when I first made the list, just so that I can check it off.  Eat breakfast?  Check!  Brush teeth?  Check!  Make sure kids eat their veggies at dinnertime?  Double check!  ('Cause ya know, I have two kids...) *wink*

So it should come as no surprise that I'm also a big fan of bucket lists.  These are really the best kind of lists because they are all things that you want to do instead of things you have/need to do.  And really, what better time to make a bucket list than summertime?
46 Ways To Have Fun This Summer {plus a FREE printable}
Boating and playing on the beach at a local reservoir

Our family has a lot of things we like to do during the summer.  But sometimes I forget to plan something for the weekend or my husband's day off and then we end up either scrambling to find an activity or staying home and cleaning up the house or yard.  So in order to make sure we actually do lots of fun activities this summer, I've made a bucket list for our family.  It's all centered around activities we can do with our kids.

46 Ways To Have Fun This Summer {plus a FREE printable}
S'mores up the canyon with family

I think that by creating a list of activities to draw from, we can do more with the time we have together.  We are more likely to be intentional with our time since we know we don't have a lot of it available when my husband is home.  And planning ahead or having something to draw ideas from helps too.

46 Ways To Have Fun This Summer {plus a FREE printable}
Chalk Art Festival

In case you're having a hard time thinking of activities to add to your own bucket list, I've created a printable for you to, you know, print out and put somewhere you'll see like your fridge.  (Click HERE to print.)  When you do something, mark it off with a sticker, an X or a check mark.  You could even include the date you did it and then save your bucket lists from each year with a picture of each activity.  I think that would be a really fun summer scrapbook idea!

46 Ways To Have Fun This Summer {plus a FREE printable}

Of course, when it all comes down to it, it's not the check mark I get to put next to an activity once it's been done (although, yes, satisfying).  It's the memories and time spent together.  I've been feeling more and more that time goes by so fast and the time we have with our kids is really pretty limited.  So go ahead and check out my bucket list or make one of your own and see how many memories you can make this summer!

What's on your bucket list?


  1. Looks like a lot of fun for the summer. :D

    1. I sure hope so! Our kids tend to get into trouble when they aren't busy. ;)

  2. I recently wrote up 50 activities for parents and kids for summer. You have some ideas on here that I did not write but would be fun for summer (some we have done). Thanks for an awesome list!

  3. great list, especially when you have kids you need always something up your sleep. My plan for the summer is just to survive it :)) 31 weeks pregnant and with a toddler trying to run a blog haha.

    1. I totally agree Alina! I've found that my making lists or planning activities ahead of time, it helps me not have to think as much about it when the time comes to us it. And good luck with the toddler and baby! I've been there trying to chase after kids and it's hard work.

  4. My husband is a list lover -- he'll add something to the list afterwards just to check it off, too! This looks like a fun summer! Hope you all get to check off tons of them :)

    1. A kindred list maker! ;) So far we've only done a few from the list, but there's still lots of summer left!

  5. These all sound like a fun time and makes me ready to have kids haha.

  6. I must save that bucket list! They're all great ideas, thanks for sharing mama.

  7. Sounds like a lot of fun! We'll be renovating the house we're in now, moving and doing minor renos to our new house but we'll be squeezing in some fun, too! I definitely want to do movies under the stars and visit the local King of Pops Farm!

  8. I shared the same kind of post today on the City Moms Blog that I write for! So many of our activities are the same. I hope you are able to check everything off your list this year!

  9. So many great ideas here! Running through the sprinklers and having a backyard campout are definitely on my list this summer! Thanks for the summer inspiration!

  10. I totally love to-do lists as well. It's so much fun making summer bucketlists and trying to get all the things completed.

  11. Such a fun list! We'll need to add some of these to our summer bucket list too :)

  12. Such great ideas! I love that most of these are so simple and things that don't require a lot of money or extra effort! :)

  13. This is such a great bucketlist! I will have to tackle some of these as soon as my little sister is out of school!

  14. Sounds like so many fun activities, I love tie dying shirts, the kids always get such a kick out of it! I'm so excited for summer!

  15. I love this list! I am so excited for summer. I know we will be spending as much time as possible doing water related activities since it gets so hot here.

  16. What a fun list!!! I can't wait for summer to be here in full swing. :)

  17. SO much fun, I love all of these things. Especially for those of you who have littles!

  18. What a fun list! Totally snagging a few of your ideas for my own!
