Mid-Year New Years Resolutions Check-Up

Mid-Year New Years Resolutions Check-Up
6 months into 2016.  The time has been absolutely flying for me, especially now that we are into summer and have so many activities going on.  When I was looking at my plans for my posts this week, I couldn't believe that it was already time to review my new years resolutions and evaluate my progress.

And I have to say that sharing my goals and progress with you every three months has been interesting.  Part of me really likes the accountability, but the other part of me feels like I'm letting you down when I don't accomplish my goals or work on them like I know I should (even though they are all personal goals).

So without further adieu, here's my progress:
Goal: Be more charitable
Progress: Being charitable is such a hard thing to measure, especially without sounding like I'm tooting my own horn.  However, I can say that there have been some wonderful opportunities to serve others and give of myself over the last few months that I am grateful for.  When I have an attitude of charity and a willingness to give of my time or talents, I feel better about life.
Room for Improvement: There is always room for improvement in this area.  I hope that I can work towards keeping other people's needs in my mind and look for ways to serve them.

Goal: Exercise regularly
Progress: As mentioned in my last review, I started attending a weekly dance class last fall and have been going each week.  Recently the class ended and won't resume until the fall.  I have felt very proud of myself for going, even on nights when I didn't want to or had a million other things to do.  When I dance, I feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.
Room for Improvement: Since the class ended, I haven't been attending any other fitness classes or established a routine for myself at home.  However, I've been out on walk with my kids, gone hiking, played in the yard, etc.  So I feel that while I could do more, I'm not doing too bad.

Challenge yourself, change yourself.
Goal: Spend more one-on-one time with each member of my family
Progress: My one-on-one time with my daughter has increased a little since she finished preschool, but my one-on-one time with my son has decreased a little because we used to do things together while big sister was at preschool.
Room for Improvement: This summer, I'm trying to plan activities better with my kids and husband so we can each have time together to build our relationships.

Goal: Keep up on my personal journal writing
Progress: Sadly, I don't think I've made any progress on this since last time I wrote.  I was getting into a routine with my days and nights, but got a little thrown off and just haven't picked it back up.
Room for Improvement: Lots of room to improve here!  I know I need to do this, but sometimes other things take over and this gets pushed to the back burner.  I know myself and if I can establish a routine and incorporate this, I will be better at it.

Goal: Tell family and friends that I love and appreciate them more often
Progress: I've been working on this one more.  Mostly it's been by stopping and taking time to give my kids a hug and say "I love you" or "thank you for {fill in the blank}".  I've noticed that my daughter absolutely flourishes under compliments and her overall behavior and attitude improves when she is receiving them regularly.
Room for Improvement: I think there is always room to grow in this area.  The key is just being aware of others and telling them how I feel in the moment.  Thinking a kind thought and saying it right away.

Goal: Choose happiness
Progress: With the coming of spring and summer, this has been easier for me.  I am not someone who does well with cloudy, rainy/snowy, cold weather.  I love the sunshine and warmth.  Even my husband says I'm a happier person in the warm months.  I've had some bad days of course, but I feel so much lighter when I have a positive, happy attitude about life, even when it's not going exactly how I'd like.
Room for Improvement: Definitely.  On days when I'm feeling sad or frustrated, I seem to have a harder time shaking it off than I used to as a kid/teenager/young adult.  Sometimes I want to feel frustrated or mad, but all this does is make me impatient and unhappy.  I want to snap out of my funks easier and I know I can do it because I've done it before.

How are you doing on your goals?  Do you feel good about the progress you've made, no matter how small?  Have you made new goals partway through this year?  I'd love to hear about how you're doing!

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