What I'm Thankful For

What I'm Thankful For 2016
In the last few weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, one of my most popular posts has been What I'm Thankful For which I posted last year just before Thanksgiving.  I've been surprised to see it move up my charts and is currently the 5th most popular post on my blog!  People must really want to know what I'm thankful for! *wink*

On Monday of this week, I posted an introduction to a series I'm participating in with Little Dove and other bloggers about #SimplifyingTheSeason.  The main purpose of this series is a reminder to refocus and simplify the holidays  It's so easy to become immersed in all the activities going on that it's equally as easy to forget the reason we celebrate in the first place.  I'm definitely not perfect at this and I have to remind myself regularly to just stop and take a step back.

And that's why I like sharing what I'm thankful for.  To remind myself of all the good there is in my life, so I can look back on it during hard times and remember.  You'll probably find some of the same things on this list that were on the list last year, but hey, I'm still grateful for them so they're on the list again!

--I am grateful for my loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  "Oh, it is wonderful that He should care for me, enough to die for me. Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me." (I Stand All Amazed, Hymns, 1985, no.193)

--I am thankful for my family, both immediate and extended.  Some of my most cherished relationships are with the members of my family.  They are there for me to lean on, to talk to, to cry with and to rejoice with.

--I am so thankful for my husband.  He is a rock.  He is supportive and loving and patient.  When I told him a little over a year ago that I wanted to start a blog, he was right there with me.  When I need help with the kids because we've had a rough day, he jumps in and makes us laugh.  He is a wonderful father to our children and someone they are proud to look up to, as am I.

--I am thankful for my children.  They love me on the best of days and the worst of days.  They teach me patience and kindness.  My kids are the best of friends and it makes my heart want to burst sometimes when I look at them.

--I am grateful for my friends, both those I've met in person and those who have become my friends through blogging and I've never actually met.  They have been there when I needed a shoulder to cry on, a word of encouragement or to jump for joy with me.  I treasure them and keep them close to my heart.

--I am thankful for my body and my ability to get up out of bed in the morning, go to dance class, play with my kids on the floor or chase them outside.

--I am so grateful for my freedom and for those who fight to protect it and the freedom of others.

--Lastly, I am thankful for YOU!  The last year has been crazy and fun and hard and amazing and you've been there with me.  Thank you for coming to my little part of the internet and reading my posts and leaving me comments.  It means so much to me.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you get to spend it with those you love.


  1. This is such a special holiday, no? It's good to be reminded of the things we have in life that we take for granted most of the time, but are the ones that actually make us really blessed!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

    1. I agree Abby! At Thanksgiving this year, my niece filled up an entire sheet of paper with things she was thankful for and it was so cute to read.

  2. This is why I love this time of year. I'm thankful all year round but this time especially, more than ever!

    1. I feel the same way Nicole. I feel thankful year round too, but I love the special focus on it during this time of year.

  3. Beautiful post! And so true to really give thanks for all the wonderful things in our lives! ❤

  4. What a beautiful list! Thank you for sharing and for showing us that we need to be thankful for the little things in life!

    1. I think that often it's the things that seem small that are so easy to take for granted. It's a good reminder to me that everything should be remembered with gratitude.

  5. What a great list! Beautiful family! Happy late Thanksgiving, Shani :)

  6. Such a sweet list! You have a beautiful little family and those kids are adorable! Totally agree with them loving you at your best and worst moments. A child's love is so pure, one of my favorite parts of parenting.

    1. Thank you Sarah! Kids are so forgiving and it's a great lesson to me.

  7. What a great ide for a post and your family is beautiful!! So glad that your husband supports you well and you have kids that are best friends. Lovely post!!
