Affordable Toys for Toddlers

Affordable Toys for Toddlers (ages 2-5)
During the next four months, we'll be celebrating Christmas and both of my kids' birthdays.  This means that we have to budget well for gifts and be selective in what we choose to bring into our home.  In addition, we want good quality toys that aren't going to break the bank.  I've always prided myself on being a bargain shopper and Christmas and birthday gifts are no exception.  Just last week I saved $15 on a present for my son by shopping around, which turned something over-budget into something affordable.  I always give myself a good pat on the back when that happens. *wink*

As I've gotten older, I've realized that I'd much rather spend a couple of extra dollars on something that is better made and longer lasting.  Kids are hard on toys so this is important to me as a parent.  Today, I want to share with you my picks for affordable toddler toys from The Baby Cubby.  One of the things I love most about their toys is that they are unique and durable as well as affordable.  Most of their toys are for boys or girls (with the exception of a few).  The toys I'm showing below are for 2-5 year old range.  (Click on the link below the picture to see more information.)

*This post is sponsored by The Baby Cubby.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

Affordable Toys for Toddlers (ages 2-5)

Affordable Toys for Toddlers (ages 2-5)

Affordable Toys for Toddlers (ages 2-5)

Affordable Toys for Toddlers (ages 2-5)

Affordable Toys for Toddlers (ages 2-5)
Zoobrella Umbrella (3 styles)  |  Hedgehog Backpack (4 styles)

Affordable Toys for Toddlers (ages 2-5)
Baby Primers (30 classics)

What makes The Baby Cubby different?
So if you're anything like me, you've been on tons of websites for baby/toddler/kid stuff searching for great products at a great price.  We all like to get the best bang for our buck!  But it's also nice to know that where you're shopping values more than just your money.  At The Baby Cubby, their team is made up of parents just like you who want the best products for their kids.  They want to support you through parenthood with helpful resources and encouragement.  (And don't we all need a little bit of that? *wink*)  You can read a little more about them HERE.

Besides great products, they also offer price matching (even on Amazon prices) and free shipping on orders over $49 (which isn't hard to do, believe me!).  If you are local, they are located about 10-15 minutes south of Provo and about 25 minutes north of Salt Lake in Lindon.  You can find directions HERE.

My Experience with The Baby Cubby
I recently placed an order with them for some Christmas gifts for my kids (the makeup set, a book, bath pipes and bath cogs).  Ordering was easy and I could see shipping costs, a breakdown of each item, tax, etc prior to placing my order.  Earlier this week, I got a call from their customer service about one of the items being out of stock and they wanted to know what I wanted done with the order.  I called them back and briefly explained the reason I was calling.  The girl I spoke to happened to be the same one who had called me and she knew exactly what I was talking about and handled my call quickly and efficiently (which is huge because no one wants to be on the phone with customer service forever when they have kids).  I cannot wait to get these items and give them for Christmas this year.  I have no doubt I'll be a repeat customer.

I hope this post gave you some ideas of what to give the toddler in your life!  Happy shopping!


  1. I've never heard of the Baby Cubby. i think I'm loving this!! I'm with you, I'm definitely a lover of quality over cheap stuff that breaks easily. In fact, I've been cleaning out my kids toys in anticipation for Christmas. Great post!

    1. We cleaned out a bunch of toys over the last couple of weeks and it's felt good to let go and donate so others can enjoy those things as well. The Baby Cubby has a lot of great toys to choose from so definitely check them out!

  2. These are GREAT options.... my son also loves his little toolset! It is a must have!

    1. Toolsets are so cute for little boys! My son has one too and he always wants to get it out when my husband is working on something.

  3. What great ideas for gifts! I love the Baby Cubby! We have quite a few of those Skip Hop items and lots and lots of BabyLit books! :) So many cute toddler gift ideas! Thank you!

    1. The BabyLit books are so cute! I got Emma for my daughter for Christmas and we'll see how she likes it. If she does, I'll definitely be buying more!

  4. Glad to see you post for toddlers, they are a group of kiddies that I particularly like. My grands are just getting out of that age group, much to my sadness. Thank you for posting these great ideas.

    1. The toddler age is a lot of fun and I'll be sad when my kids grow out of it! I'm so glad you found some good ideas and I hope you'll share them with others who might be looking. ;)

  5. Love your suggestions! I have those BabyLit books on my daughters wishlist! I've heard great things about Baby Cubby!

    1. The Baby Cubby has tons of awesome stuff! Their customer service has been great and their products are too. We just got Emma for my daughter from the BabyLit books and if she likes it, I'll be getting more!

  6. I love that you and your husband met on a blind date!

    Great selection. I love that tool box, I think they are a great gift for small children. I never heard of AnimaLogic, it looks great. I am going to read more about it now.

    1. That AnimaLogic game looks so fun doesn't it? I love that it has a variety of levels to help kids grow and learn.

  7. I love Baby Cubby! These are great gift ideas for toddlers. Thanks so much for rounding them up!

    xo Trista |

  8. Sounds like you have an eventful December! Lots of great gift ideas!

    1. Yes, the next few months will be busy, but fun! I'm glad you like the gift ideas. :)

  9. Great gift round up! I loooove The Baby Cubby too! Everything in one website is the best! so easy!

    1. I know, right? You can get all your shopping done in one fell swoop! ;)

  10. What a great list Shani, we are still trying to figure out what to give our little niece but thanks to you we found some great gift ideas. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. I have no doubt you can find something she'd love from The Baby Cubby!

  11. The whale bath toy is really cute! Checking it out for my little girl.

    1. I think it's really cute too! Their bath toys are so fun!

  12. Now that Christmas is coming I'm looking for toy ideas for my children but it's easy to start just impulse buying so I decided to make a bit of research this year. This is a great collection and already have my eyes on some of the toys from your list. Thanks for putting this together.

    1. I totally agree Alina. It's way too easy to just start buying things when you don't make a plan and a budget ahead of time. Good luck getting it all done! :)

  13. We need all new bath toys right now. Those pipes are too cute!! The kids would love them! Great collection!

    1. I was thinking we need some new ones too and my kids are going to love the pipes and the cogs!

  14. Such great ideas! I already bought the nieces and nephews presents for Christmas, but I will definitely be referring back to this for birthdays :)

    1. Way to be ahead of the game Kelly! There are some great options for birthdays on here too.

  15. That pretend makeup.. My girls will love this as they are always into my makeup. I've searched around in local shops for it so now I know where to find it online.I love the other toys.. great options for toddlers (tool kit would be nice for my son). Thanks Shani!!

    1. My daughter is going to be so happy when she sees the pretend makeup set! She's always getting into my makeup. We got ours in the mail the other day and it is the cutest!

  16. Thank you so much for these ideas!
    I know how that feels with Birthdays being so close together. My husband starts it off in mid November, early December is my daughter's and 10 days later mine. Well, and two weeks after that is Christmas. Crazy!!
    So, getting a good deal is so much more important.
    XO! Vanessa

    1. Wow, you get to do a lot of celebrating during the holidays Vanessa! Sounds fun and crazy. ;)

  17. These are great ideas! Checking them out today!
