What I'm Reading: 3 Books in 3 Weeks

What I'm Reading: 3 books in 3 weeks
I've always been a reader.  According to my mom, I learned to read before I went into kindergarten and before that I was memorizing books so I could read them to myself.  In 7th grade, I was reading at a 12th grade level.  But it wasn't until I hit my junior and senior year of high school when I really started getting interested in books other than fantasy (like Harry Potter) or sweet and clean romance novels.  When I was in high school, I took an AP Literature and Composition class, which introduced me to different genres and I found that I actually liked a lot of them.  Since then, I've branched out and read YA fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, classic literature, sci-fi, distopic and others.  My brain gets bored if I read too much of any one genre so I try to pick up a variety of books when I stop by the library.  In the last three weeks, I've read three different books and all were about different topics.

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Heartless by Marissa Meyer
Rating: 5/5 stars

What I'm Reading: 3 books in 3 weeks (Heartless by Marissa Meyer)

The first book I read was Heartless by Marissa Meyer.  I took this book with me on my trip to Orlando and got about halfway through it.  If you've read the Lunar Chronicles (Cinder, Scarlet, Cress and Winter), and liked how the classic tales were retold, then Heartless will probably appeal to you.

Heartless is a prequel to Lewis Carrol's Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland.  It is the story of seventeen year old Catherine, or Cath, who is the daughter of a marquee in Wonderland.  Her greatest dream is to open a bakery with her friend, Maryann, where she can bake and sell her delicious pastries.  But Cath has caught the eye--and stomach--of the king and he intends to propose to her at a ball.  She is horrified, runs away and faints, only to find herself in the arms of the new, and very handsome, court jester, who she is instantly attracted to.  Cath knows her parents will never agree to a courtship with Jest so they enter into a secret courtship.  But in a land where magic thrives, can Cath escape her destiny?

Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline
 Rating: 4/5 stars
What I'm Reading: 3 books in 3 weeks (Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline)

I came upon this book when I was asking around for recommendations of what to take with me on my trip.  I would put this book into the historical fiction category, although about 1/3 of it takes place in modern day.  The reason I chose this book was because it talked about a part of US history that isn't discussed often, coupled with foster care.  From 1854 to 1929, orphan trains used to run from the east coast into the mid west carrying children who had been orphaned or abandoned to be adopted by families who were looking for children.  (It was run by the Children's Aid Society and was a precursor to today's foster care program.)  Unfortunately, many of the children who were adopted were treated more as servants rather than part of the family and the system in place was underfunded and not very well run.

Orphan Train is told from two different perspectives: Vivian, a 91-year-old woman reflecting on her early life as a past-rider of the orphan train, and Molly, a seventeen year-old girl who is about to age out of the foster system.  As punishment for trying to steal a book, Molly is required to do community service hours to keep her out of juvie.  Vivian Daly has an attic full of trunks from her past that she's asked Molly to help her sort through and as she does so, Molly finds that she and Vivian aren't all that different from each other.

*Note: If you are interested in another book dealing with foster care, I highly recommend The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.  So good!  You can read my review HERE.

The Week Before The Wedding by Beth Kendrick
Rating: 4/5 stars
What I'm Reading: 3 books in 3 weeks (The Week Before the Wedding by Beth Kendrick) 

Another author that was suggested to me by a friend was Beth Kendrick.  She writes chick lit and all her stories have dogs in them (but not as the main character).  Originally, I wanted to read The Lucky Dog Matchmaking Service, but it wasn't available at the library so I grabbed this one instead.

Emily McKellips grew up in a chaotic home environment.  As an adult, she's worked hard to have a stable and successful career and her dreams of marrying the perfect man and living in a house with a white picket fence are about to come true.  But shortly after arriving in Valentine, Vermont at a little resort hotel, things start going wrong.  Her mother and future mother-in-law begin fighting with each other, her fiance is distracted and her ex-husband, Ryan, shows up unexpectedly.  Everything that Emily has fought for is about to collapse.  But the irresponsible and headstrong boy Emily left behind ten years ago is now a successful film producer who still has feelings for her.  She thought she had life all figured out, but the next seven days just might change her mind and her heart.

What I'm Reading: 3 books in 3 weeks (Talking As Fast As I Can by Lauren Graham) 

Next up on my list to read is Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls, and Everything in Between by Lauren Graham.  I've heard from a lot of people that they really enjoyed this book so I'm excited to dive in and see if I agree.

Also, I'm linking up for the first time with the ladies who host What I'm Reading Wednesday.  You can click on any of the links below to link up as well or just take a look at what everyone is reading.  Maybe you'll find a new book!

What We're Reading Wednesday: 3 Books in 3 Weeks

Johannah  |  The Sirois Family
Whitney  |  Work it Mommy
Crystal  |  Hall Around Texas
Stephanie  |  Wife Mommy Me
Whitney  |  Polka-Dotty Place
Heather  |  My Glittery Heart
Justine  |  Little Dove Blog
Keri  |  Keri Lynn Snyder

What are you reading?  I'd love to hear!


  1. I love to read too! The Orphan Train is on my "to read" list. I hadn't heard of the others but they sound great! I think I'll be adding some books to my list! First I need to finish the Lady Darby series (Anna Lee Huber). The books aren't what I expected but I got hooked! It actually surprised me a bit- I'm not usually a big mystery person.

    1. I'll have to take a look into that series! I like mystery as long as it's not a crazy, twisted murder mystery. :)

  2. I have been wanting to read Orphan Train but have yet to read it. I just finished up Big Little Lies and really enjoyed it. I did purchase Talking As Fast As I can. I can't wait to read it.

    1. I picked up Talking As Fast As I Can from the library today and can't wait to get started! Unfortunately, it will have to wait until Saturday or Sunday. :(

  3. I read The Orphan Train, very good book.

    1. I'm actually really surprised I hadn't heard of it until someone suggested it to me a few weeks ago. Seems like tons of people have already read it.

  4. Heartless is toward the top of my to-read list! I'm a children's librarian so I read a lot of middle grade and YA. I just finished a book called Dream On, Amber. I'm actually planning to read some Sherlock Holmes next.

    1. Oh, I bet you have such a fun job finding fun kids books! I'll look into Dream On, Amber. Thank you!

  5. Thank you for sharing!! I am currently read Lauren Graham's book! I just LOVE her!

  6. Ahhh they all look great!! I want to read Lauren Graham, I just love her (and Gilmore Girls!).
    Currently I am reading nothing...need to get on that!

    1. GG is a classic! I haven't watched any of the new ones though.

  7. I've had Heartless on my to-read list for awhile now. Your review ales me want to finally pick it up!

  8. These look like great books! I am always looking for a good book!

    1. Awesome! I hope you found at least one or two you are interested in reading. :)

  9. Amazon keeps recommending Orphan Train to me - I need to read it! I just finished Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic - highly recommended!

    1. Well, if Amazon is recommending it, then you should totally do it! ;) I'll have to take a look at your recommendation. Thank you!

  10. Heartless sounds really good and I've heard a lot of good things about Orphan Train. I need some new books to read for this month!

    1. I really liked The Lunar Chronicles and the author carries the same style into Heartless so that's probably part of the reason I liked it too. Orphan Train is totally different from Heartless though and a little harder to read through because it was something that is part of American history and it's sad to know that those things happened (and still happen to some degree).

  11. I love to read and find myself reading the most in the summer- right now I am reading a book called Aspire and I am re-reading some of my parenting books since we just had a baby 2 weeks ago.


    1. Same here Michelle! I'm putting together my summer reading list right now. I will have to look at Aspire. Who is the author?

  12. I was so thrilled to see that there are people like me who read 3 books in 3 weeks and sort.. I guess I'd really enjoy 'Orphan Train'! :)

    1. I hate starting a book and leaving it unfinished so I like to read through them quickly, especially if it's a good book!

  13. The Week Before the Wedding looks right up my alley. I like quick chick lit books! Although, i've heard a lot about Orphan Train lately. If only I had more time to read :)

    1. I'm looking forward to reading a few more of Beth Kendrick's books. Sometimes you just want an easy read!

  14. I love Lauren Graham! I am putting some of these on my to read list!

  15. All of those books sound so interesting! I'm going to see if we have these at my library and check these out. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm so glad you found some new books that are interesting to you!

  16. I loved Orphan Train. What a deep, painful experience those characters went through.

    1. I thought it was very well written. It was hard to believe that it wasn't an autobiography of a real person.

  17. I love your list. I have Orphan Train on my list to read!

  18. I have Heartless and hopefully I can read it soon! I'm so glad you loved it. I've always been a big reader too. I don't remember ever NOT reading books. :)


    p.s. I'm a new consultant for Usborne Books if you're looking for any new titles! I need FB party hosts too and you can earn free books. Shop: http://c6871.myubam.com/

  19. I don't have a ton of time for reading but the Orphan Train sounds like something I'd be interested in! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm glad you found one you're interested in! Maybe it will help keep you awake during late night feedings with your new baby! ;)

  20. Oh all of these books look so interesting! I'm definitely going to have to check them out. I haven't read the entire Lunar Chronicle series (I didn't want my blog post to be filled with reviews of all the books) but I really liked it!

    1. I'm glad you found some new books you're interested in!

  21. I have a Heartless on my bookshelf and need to pick it up one of these days. But I feel like I need to be in a certain mood for that kind of book.

    1. Yes, I'm the same way Alison. That's why I like to change genres.
