8 Colorful Hands On Activities for Kids

Kid-tested and kid-approved!  Your kids will love these 8 colorful hands on activities!
If your kids are anything like mine, they are very hands-on.  They love to do whatever I'm doing, whether it's gardening, baking, crafting, building, etc.  This is why I try to come up with activities that they can do most, or all of it, by themselves.  It's exciting for them to create something and it builds autonomy which is an important skill as they get older and need to figure out problems for themselves.  Over the last couple of years since my kids were old enough to appreciate and enjoy it, I've done a handful of really fun and colorful activities.  These are tried and true and my kids ask to do them over and over again.

Elephant Toothpaste
We did this activity last summer and my kids went crazy over it!  The reaction is pretty amazing and we'll definitely be doing it again soon.

Kid-tested and kid-approved!  Your kids will love these 8 colorful hands on activities!

Color Explosions
This activity is super simple and you probably already have the ingredients on hand!  You can do this one over and over again for really inexpensive.

Kid-tested and kid-approved!  Your kids will love these 8 colorful hands on activities!

Glow in the Dark Bath Paint
This is a great activity to do with your kids once your sure they won't try and eat everything they can get their hands on.  A black light and glow in the dark paint make this activity great for those days when you're stuck inside.

Kid-tested and kid-approved!  Your kids will love these 8 colorful hands on activities!

Dancing Rice
Using basic ingredients, you can do a little science experiment with your kids and show them how air bubbles carry the rice up to the top of a glass, making them look like they're dancing.

Kid-tested and kid-approved!  Your kids will love these 8 colorful hands on activities!

Homemade Gak
Gak is one of those really fun things to play with no matter your age!  We did this one as a family activity one night and everyone got in on it.

Kid-tested and kid-approved!  Your kids will love these 8 colorful hands on activities!

Homemade Bouncy Ball
This activity was one of the first posts I did on my blog and I still get people coming back to it.  It makes for a fun afternoon activity at home or preschool activity.

Kid-tested and kid-approved!  Your kids will love these 8 colorful hands on activities!

Water Beads
If you've never heard of water beads, you are missing out!  We pull these out once every few months or so and the kids will play with them forever.  They are really inexpensive and you get hours of fun!

Kid-tested and kid-approved!  Your kids will love these 8 colorful hands on activities!

3 Ways to Paint with a Toddler or Preschooler
One of my most popular kid activities post!  If you have toddlers or preschoolers, this one is for you.  I've included 3 different ways you can let your preschooler or toddler paint (adult supervision still required of course).

Kid-tested and kid-approved!  Your kids will love these 8 colorful hands on activities!

And there you have it!  I hope you have fun trying these activities out with your kids!


  1. I definitely need to try some of these out with my kids! They always love it when we do "Science experiments". Pinning!

    1. I bet your boys would love these activities! And thank you for pinning!

  2. You guys do the most fun stuff! I want to come live at your house!

  3. These all look super fun. I'm a big fan of messy art ;) My babe is only 7 months, so she still eats everything, but as she gets older I will definitely be trying some of these!

    1. My kids like making messes when they do art too! Kids learn so much better when they can be hands on. I bet your little girl would love the finger painting when she gets a little bigger. :)

  4. These are great activities! I think I'm going to try out some of them in my preschool classroom. I've been looking to add some fun sensory projects. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Oh awesome! These activities are perfect for preschool aged kids.

  5. what a fun house! can you adopt me?

  6. My kids will love these ideas! Thank you!

  7. Oh my gosh, these are so fun! my kids would love all of them. You should link this up to our Year of Color party, the pictures go great with the pastel theme!

    1. Great idea Justine! I didn't even think about that until you mentioned it.

  8. So many fun ideas! We make gak and bouncy balls all the time!

    1. I love that they are really cheap and easy activities to do.

  9. I love trying to do "science" experiments with my girls!

  10. Oh, these activities look like so much fun! Thanks for sharing! :)
    XO, Vanessa

  11. So many great ideas! I love getting messy and doing arts/crafts with the kiddos!

    1. Thanks Sarah! I hope you have fun trying some of these out with your boys!

  12. My son would have a blast with these -- he loves "science"!

    1. My kids feel so cool when they do something that causes a reaction. ;)

  13. We go the the park a lot and always have a cold drink its hot in Florida.

  14. These look so fun. Perfect activities for summer!
