3 Inexpensive Ways to Pamper Yourself

Getting a little "me time" doesn't have to be time consuming or expensive.  Choose any of these 3 ways to pamper yourself and get energized, refreshed and regain a little piece of sanity.
By the time I was in my junior year of college, I had three years of living on my own under my belt.  Where my money went was completely up to me.  I remember when I first started buying the foaming hand soap from Bath and Body Works. It was more than twice as expensive as the other stuff from Walmart, but I didn't care.  Why?  Because it was a small indulgence that wasn't going to break the bank, but it sure as heck brought a smile to my face.  As I was studying and had my hand under my chin trying to understand a new concept or review for an exam, the soft smell of coconut lime verbena would drift up to my nose.  You know the saying "money can't buy happiness"?  Well, I think that it should be changed to "money can't buy happiness, but it can buy back a little bit of your sanity".  Too long?  Maybe.  But still truthful don't you think?

I still buy the foaming hand soap at the semi-annual sales, giving them as gifts, color coordinating them to bathrooms and having my kids come up to me, sticking their hands towards my face saying "smell mommy".  But good smelling soap isn't the only way I pamper myself now.  Like many women, I love putting on some good lotion, pulling my hair back and applying a refreshing face mask and soaking in the tub.  I'm sharing some of my favorite, inexpensive ways to pamper yourself and gain back a little slice of sanity.

This post is sponsored by Traci Bulkley, a Perfectly Posh consultant.  As always, all opinions are 100% my own.

My obsession with rich, creamy lotion started in high school when I was given a bottle of Love Spell from Victoria's Secret for my birthday.  It became my signature scent and of course, all the boys liked it too. *wink*  I branched out as the years went on and found other favorites and soon the cabinet under my sink was full of lotion.  When my husband and I moved to New York for the summer after we got married, I got a job at Bath and Body Works.  I loved it!  Much to my delight, and my husband's chagrin, I got a discount on all lotions, soaps, body wash, bubble bath and candles in the store.  Fast forward to today when I am still discovering new smells that I love.  One that I was recently introduced to is Posh Boss from Perfectly Posh.  It is part of their Big, Fat, Yummy Hand Cream line and I love how soft my hands feel after using it.  Plus, it really does smell yummy.

Face Masks
The first time I had a face mask was as a young teenager at a youth church group activity for girls my age.  The leaders had prepared a variety of masks for us to try out ranging from honey to oatmeal to cucumbers to avocado.  I loved it then, and as I've gotten older, I love the nights when I get to pull my hair back, clean the make up off, and apply a nice mask.  I usually try to do this after the kids are in bed, especially when I use the kind that dries.  Also, I avoid looking in the mirror so I don't burst out laughing.  You really can't take yourself seriously when you have a face mask on.  *wink*  I recently got to try out a few different masks from Perfectly Posh and I loved each one of them for the different benefits they provided: The All I've Avo Wanted face mask is a hydrating mask that was so light and fresh.  I also tried out the Cackle Spackle which is a detoxifying mask with clay and charcoal, leaving my skin smooth and clean.

Bath Bombs
I'll be totally honest: I'm more of a "30-minute shower girl" than I am an "hour-long bath girl".  However, on those nights when I just want to sit down, relax and read a book, a bath is the perfect option.  Of course, bubble bath is always fun and a great way to enjoy a nice, soothing smell.  But when I want to change it up a little bit, a bath bomb is another inexpensive option for pampering myself.  The bath bombs from Perfectly Posh are the perfect size and they smell so good!

If you're anything like me, the opportunity to pamper yourself doesn't come up really often.  But I've noticed that if I can do something small for myself, like take advantage of one of the ways I mentioned above, I feel energized and refreshed and ready to tackle the next thing that gets thrown at me.  We all deserve a little bit of "me-time" so why not make the most of it?

If you're interested in trying any of the Perfectly Posh products I mentioned, or see anything else that appeals to you, contact my friend Traci Bulkley who is a consultant.  She is very helpful and knows her stuff!

How do you pamper yourself?


  1. these are great ways! thanks love

  2. I totally agree with all of these!

  3. I've heard of these products before, I'm especially interested in the Cackle Spackle, it sounds great!

  4. Yes to all of these! I really need to take more baths (with bombs) and use my fask masks more often!

  5. Such great ideas! I love using nice lotions- you can smell them all day! Bath bombs are wonderful too!

  6. Fun ideas! I love doing spa nights with my teenage daughter as a way to help her relax too!

  7. I always love pampering myself in little ways. These are all great suggestions. Even shower bombs can be good.

  8. I love face masks!! Such a great way to care for yourself!!

  9. Don't laugh but I've never actually used a bath bomb! Seeing this makes me think it's finally time:-)

  10. These are great ideas! Thanks for sharing :)
