Fab 5: Terryn and Cara

Fab 5: Terryn and Cara
Hello and Happy Friday!  Today I want to introduce you to a new series I'll be hosting each month to introduce you to new blogs and the amazing women behind them.  I'm calling it Fab 5.  Why? you ask. Simply because I ask 5 questions to each blogger.  (Obviously, this was a very scientific way of doing things. *wink*)
A couple of months ago, I joined some blogging groups on Facebook to help me get to know other bloggers.  As I was interacting with these groups, a couple of blogs stood out to me and I kept being drawn to their content.

So today I'd like to introduce you to our two Fab 5 ladies: Terryn, who blogs at Just a Simple Home and Cara, who blogs at Kindly Unspoken.  I'll let them take it from here!


Meet Terryn from Just A Simple Home

Terryn  |  Just A Simple Home

I was born and raised in Massachusetts, although I went to a private school in Rhode Island.  After college, I moved back to Rhode Island and have stayed here ever since.  My husband and I talk about moving south, but we have no definite plans to leave the Ocean State.  We have 6 children, ages 1 through 12 and we homeschool them.  I have been a stay at home mom since my oldest was born and now work from home as a blogger and a health and fitness coach.  My husband owns a fitness facility in town.  It's a busy life, but we love it.

1. Describe your blog
Just A Simple Home was created out of my desire to make our home a haven: With little children, it can be hard to manage a home and create that space that you love.  There's always a mess to clean up and piles to go through.  I found I needed to hold myself accountable and create systems that I could use to keep my house organized.  I like to create "simple" systems I can use to keep my house in order, while raising a large family.  I also love to help other bloggers start their own business.  I have a background in social media and really love the online community.

2. What are your favorite things to do with your free time?
Free time? Lol.  Well, I am a busy mom to 6 kids, so free time is a luxury.  Honestly, the thing I enjoy most is reading.  I read a lot and it is mostly for personal development.  I enjoy books that will help me grow as a person and as a leader, and books that will help me grow in my faith.

3. What is a typical day like for you?
I don't really have a typical day--my days are always different.  I try to wake up before anyone else and have my quiet time.  I really need this in the morning to get collected for my day, since this is usually the only time I have to myself.  After that, I do my workout and shower.  Then, if everyone is still asleep, I will get my work done on the computer.  When the kids all get up, its breakfast and chores.  We try to start school around 9am and finish around 1pm, but that's all depending on the day.  The afternoons could be spent outside, just playing and relaxing.  Ideally, the youngest ones will nap and we can get some reading done.  We all have afternoon chores to complete too, but afternoons are usually free.  Night varies, depending on kids activities and my husband's schedule.  They do karate, dance and wrestling and our town puts on a lot of fun summer activities.  We again have chores to complete before bedtime readings, and baths.  After the kids go to bed, I work some more and spend time with my husband.  It sounds pretty boring written out, but it's anything but boring!  Life is never predictable with our family and I love it!

4. Why do you blog?
I blog because I love it, truly.  I love the creative outlet it allows, and I love the blogging community.  I also love being able to help others build their blogs and have the confidence to go after their goals.  And I love being able to bring in an income for my family without sacrificing time with them.

5. What is your favorite food?
My favorite food has to be lobster...I do live in New England!  Although, I really love any fish--I could eat fish every day.  And coffee...

Bonus: Tell us about your online business.
I have been an online health and fitness coach for over 2 years now.  I help people with their nutrition and meal plans and usually match them up with the right fitness program.  We chat about goals a lot--short term and long term.  Many people are missing that accountability when it comes to their health and fitness.  That is where I come in as a coach.  I run free accountability groups on Facebook where I help my clients daily through their fitness program and their nutrition.  It is such a great community feel in these groups--full of women all trying to reach their goals and motivate each other the whole way.  I provide meal plans and recipes and the support that they need to make sure they finish and reach whatever goal they set.  If you would like to join my next group, please feel free to connect with me.

Social Media Links
Instagram: @healthy_mom_of_many
Twitter: @justasimplehome
Pinterest: @justsimplehome


Meet Cara from Kindly Unspoken

Cara  |  Kindly Unspoken

Although I was born in North Carolina, I've lived in Southwest Virginia (the small town of Lebanon to be exact) for most of my life.  After my husband joined the Navy, we lived in Japan for a short while, and then Oklahoma City for 2 years, but ultimately we ended up coming back to Southwest Virginia where we both grew up and love.  I'm a Southern girl at heart and I love waking up and seeing the beautiful mountains each morning.

Family is my world and is definitely the main priority in my life.  I have a wonderful husband of 7 years and we have two of the sweetest boys in the world, ages 4 and 6, who are always making me smile and laugh.  We love spending our time together outdoors and having fun family nights in watching movies or baking up yummy treats.  In addition to blogging, I also work full-time in Communications/Marketing for the Workforce Development Industry, and my husband works full-time as a police officer for our local town.

1. Describe your blog
Kindly Unspoken is a beauty/lifestyle blog that frequently features posts on makeup/beauty products and how-to's, cute and affordable fashion, delicious homemade recipes, DIY crafts and home decor, and words of encouragement.  It is my hope that my blog will help inspire others to be confident in their own skin, to take risks, and to always go after their dreams no matter what.

I have officially been blogging since November 2015.  Some days it feels like I've been blogging forever, while other days I wonder how 8 months have already flew by.  As most of you know, blogging is not for the faint of heart, and is a huge time commitment, but I love it and it's a great community to be a part of.

2. How did you come up with your blog name?
When I first created my blog I wanted it to be a place where I could inspire others and promote spreading kindness.  So when I was brainstorming for titles, I kept coming back to the word Kindly.  One of my favorite songs back in high school was Kindly Unspoken by Kate Voegele, which is all about expressing yourself, so I thought it would be the perfect fit.

3. What is your favorite accessory?
Earrings are definitely my favorite accessory!  I love how they can really dress up an outfit and add that extra sparkle.  Even when I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt I still have to have on a pair of studs or small pearls.  I just don't feel like myself if I'm not wearing some form of earrings.

4. Where did you meet your husband?
It's super romantic, but we actually met and started dating at Pizza Hut when I was 16 (my first job in high school).  I was a waitress and he was a cook and almost immediately he started flirting with me.  At first, I gave him the cold shoulder, but I couldn't help but begin to fall for him because he's always had this amazing ability to keep me laughing.  10 years later we're still going strong!

5. What is your dream vacation? 
 I would really love to have the experience of spending about a month in Ireland, exploring all the old castles and natural cliffs and beaches.  Both my husband and I have an Irish heritage, and I can't help but feel wanderlust when I see photos of how beautiful it is over there.

Bonus: What is your current pet peeve?
On my job a huge pet peeve of mine is when people say they will do something and then never do.  Accountability is huge for me, and it says a lot about a person if they don't have enough respect for the other person to follow through.

Social Media Links
Facebook: Kindly Unspoken
Instagram: @cara_kindlyunspoken
Pinterest: @kindlyunspoken
Bloglovin: Kindly Unspoken


As you can see, these are a couple of pretty amazing women!  I hope you'll take the time to hop over and check out their blogs and other social media.

Next month, I'll be interviewing two new bloggers for my Fab 5 series, so stay tuned.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. LOVE these! Two wonderful blogs and love learning more about these ladies! Xoxo

    1. It was a lot of fun for me to get to know them too! I loved getting a glimpse into their lives and personalities. :)

  2. Great posts. especially proud of our daughter Cara.

    1. From what I know about Cara, she seems like a great gal. :) You should definitely be proud to have her as your daughter.

  3. I've been following Terryn lately because I just LOVE the organizational series that she's been doing. I've been pinning her posts like crazy, haha. I've seen Cara around, too, and I love her bright personality that shows through her blog content and photos! great picks for your fab 5!

    1. Terryn always has quality posts and I find myself on her blog quite often. She has great information to share and is so organized! And I love that Cara is so real, which totally comes through in her posts. I loved getting to know both of them better!

  4. I love both Cara and Terryn! They are two of my favorite bloggers! I think this series is going to be a great one!

    1. I know what you mean Erin. I was totally drawn to them and they have such great content to share!

  5. I haven't had the pleasure of reading terryns blog but I'm an avid reader of Caras blog. I love this post. Showcasing other bloggers is a great idea and a good way to pay it forward :)

    1. Melanie, you should definitely check out Terryn's blog. She has a wealth of information about blogging and organization. I love her stuff and she is super talented! And Cara is so sweet and her style is amazing.

  6. I love both of these blogs! It was so great to learn more about these ladies and their families. Great series!

  7. You are so sweet Shani! Thank you for the opportunity to share. I loved hearing about Cara and her blog as well. This is such a fun idea for a series, can't wait to see who you feature next month! xoxo

    1. Thank you for participating! I thought it was a lot of fun and it was great to get to know you better.
