The Mid-Summer Slump

The Mid-Summer Slump
Lately, I've been feeling a lack of motivation.  A kind of blah-ness, if you will.

Blog posts have been a challenge to come up with and write, even when I plan them out a month in advance.  My kids are driving me up the wall with all their little fights over little things.  And there's me, probably driving them crazy with my seemingly constant use of "stop fighting" and "play nicely" or "do I need to separate you two?"
I'm tired of trying to come up with, and then execute, activities for my kids or as a family because I don't want to deal with the fights or the drama of my four-year-old who thinks she's sixteen and my two year old who thinks he can do the same things as his sister.  I'm constantly shutting the back door to try and keep the temperature cooler inside than it is outside.  They're in.  They're out.  Someone's crying because they dropped their popsicle.

And you know what I'm chalking it all up to?

The Mid-Summer Slump.

Just a side effect of a mid-summer slump.
Ever since my first summer as a stay at home mom four years ago, I feel like I literally hit this wall smack dab in the middle of summer.  The novelty of summer and sunshine and more freedom from routine has worn off.  The kids are starting to get on each other's nerves (and mine) more often.  The desire to make plans and stick with them slowly fades.  Motivation to exercise, even just taking the kids on a walk around the neighborhood, is hard to find, especially when it's so. blasted. hot.  My patience is wearing thin and it's showing in my quickness to snap when my kids or husband ask an innocent question.

I think my kids are totally feeling this slump too.  During the fall and winter and spring, there is more of a routine established because there is generally more going on, whether it's school or sports or music lesson or dance class.  There are holidays and homework and the time off is more enjoyable because you know it's going to come to an end sooner than you expect so you're trying to pack as much in as possible.  Or maybe you're trying to pack the least amount of stuff in to maximize relaxation.

But the middle of summer is this weird place where you've done your family vacations or you're waiting to go on them and you've exhausted your regular list of what to do when the kids say "I'm bored".  The kids are tired from staying up too late and getting up too early ("But mom, it's still light outside!").  Maybe you're even getting to the point where you both look forward to and dread the fact that school is starting soon.  (Then again, school means a change in seasons and usually colder weather, which also means more time inside than outside.)

The Mid-Summer Slump.  It's real.

Are you feeling it too?


  1. I haven't felt it but summer doesn't really start here in the PNW until July 4th so maybe it'll come later! Hoping you're able to get out of your slump soon! <3

    1. Thanks Susannah! I am in Utah and it's been in the high 90s and 100s the last couple of weeks, which is crazy hot. Maybe it just depends on whatever the middle of summer is wherever you happen to live. Hopefully you can avoid it though! :)

  2. It's definitely true that a lack of routine can actually wear you out and slow you down! It seems like it would be the opposite, but I look forward to getting back to normal, routine days.

    1. I totally agree. My kids always do better when we have a set routine and it's a lot easier to provide that, and enforce it, once school is back in session.

  3. hahah so true. My kids are older (13 and 9) but I hear the "I'm bored" comment all too frequently. I don't know about your neighborhood but ours is FILLED with kids. Funny things is though, they are never outside during the day?! They all disappear! I don't know if its video games, camps, or daycare but where are all the kids? Its sad they aren't all out playing!

    1. Our neighborhood is the same--so many kids! But it's been super hot here lately, especially in the middle of the day until early evening. I swear I was playing outside all summer when I was a kid but I also feel like there weren't as many things to keep kids inside, so the only option was to play outside.

  4. I LOVE the meme on the side hahaha!! It is SO true. I kind of like the summer slump though. It will be all too soon that the grind starts up again. I try to enjoy the lazy days :)

    1. I don't mind lazy days, but when I start to feel blah and don't feel motivated to do things, that's when I know I'm in a slump. The thing I'm trying to keep in mind is that it will be school time again soon and the lazy days won't happen nearly as often.
