Guest Post: Bellissimo Bebe + A Giveaway

Bellissimo Bebe + A Giveaway!
It's been a couple of months since I did an official guest post here on the old blog and I decided it was time I get back into that.  I love being able to collaborate with other bloggers and business owners and then introduce them to you so you can love them too!

Today, I've got Maranda on the blog.  She owns a darling little Etsy shop called Bellissimo Bebe.  Maranda and I have known each other for a couple of years.  We live in the same neighborhood, go to the same church and are in the same book club so we see each other pretty regularly.  Maranda is super talented when it comes to all things crafty and home decor and you should see their house during Halloween through Christmas!  She totally puts the rest of the neighborhood to shame. *wink* I'll let her take it from here!

(p.s. There's a giveaway opportunity at the end so read about Maranda and then go enter!)


Bellissimo Bebe + A Giveaway!
My name is Maranda Crop and I am the owner of Bellissimo Bebe.  I believe in yoga pants, hard work, lip gloss, and chocolate chip cookies.  I grew up in Provo, Utah and I am married to my best friend and we have two boys and a little girl.

I have always enjoyed crafting and making jewelry and once I had my baby girl in January I dusted off my tools and went to work.  :)  I wanted her to have a special bracelet for her blessing and that grew into a bracelet for every outfit. :)  People kept asking where I bought them and the idea hit me that maybe I should start my own little business.

Bellissimo Bebe + A Giveaway!
Right now my business focuses mainly on bracelets and necklaces for little girls and some matching Mommy and Me sets.  I wanted to create something that was different than what was already out on the market.  I wanted to offer more variety but still maintain that sweet, vintage feel.  I am a perfectionist and am known for starting all over if it doesn't look exactly right. :)  I love making these and I am so proud of my products!


See what I'm talking about?  Maranda is amazing.  Be sure to check out her Etsy shop for baby shower gifts, birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, blessing gifts or just because they are so darn cute gifts!

So I teased you a little at the beginning about a giveaway and here's what it's all about.  As part of Maranda's guest post today, she has offered TWO of her darling bracelets from her Etsy shop to be given away to TWO lucky ladies!  (Or maybe the lucky ladies are the little girls who get to wear them!)  Just look at these sweet bracelets: the Pink Pearl and the Precious Lavender.

Bellissimo Bebe + A Giveaway!

To enter, simply follow the instructions below.  The giveaway will run from today, August 31st 2016 through Tuesday, September 6th 2016, ending at 12AM MST.  The winners will be announced on Wednesday, September 7th 2016 at 8AM on Facebook and the blog and each winner will be contacted by Maranda for mailing addresses.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!


  1. Simply beautiful baby accessories. Make me wish I had a little girl!

    1. Aren't they just the cutest? Girls are so fun to dress up.

  2. I love hearing about, and supporting, other Etsy shops! What sweet little girl accessories. Favorited!

    1. Same here Lora! I especially love supporting people I know or who are recommended to me. Maranda's shop is just the cutest and so affordable!

  3. These are so beautiful, I have a friend who has a one-year old daughter! She would love them. I'll have to get her some for Christmas!

    1. They really are the cutest! And Maranda makes them super affordable which makes it easy to buy a few without breaking the bank.

  4. I love finding and supporting Etsy shops! Too bad I'm a boy mom :( So so cute for little girls, though!

    1. So do I Sarah! If you have any friends or family with girls, these bracelets would make great gifts. :)
