Book Review: My Lady Jane by Hand, Ashton and Meadows {plus Book Club Discussion/Questions}

If you like The Princess Bride, you can't help but like My Lady Jane! (Book Review and Book Club Discussion and Questions)
At the beginning of the summer, I mentioned that I am in a young adult fiction book club.  Each book we read is suggested by another member of the group and then we meet every other month to discuss it and, of course, visit and eat treats.

This month at our book club we talked about the book My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows.  After reading it, I have to say that it is easily one of my favorite books and I don't hesitate to recommend it to anyone.

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My Summary and Review (5 stars):
My Lady Jane is based loosely on the historical figure Lady Jane Grey, who was Queen of England for nine days due to being named successor by her first cousin once removed and current king, Edward VI, who was dying.  On the ninth day, she was removed from the throne by those who wished for Edward's half-sister, Mary (also known as Bloody Mary), to be queen and charged with high treason.  Ultimately, she and her husband were executed.

Not a very happy story is it?  Well the authors didn't think so either, so they decided to rewrite history to their liking, while including some elements of magic.  They tweaked some of the details and changed some of the timeline so that ultimately there was a happy ending.

My Lady Jane is funny and will have you laughing out loud throughout the book.  It is an easy and light read that you won't be able to put down.  If you like The Princess Bride, you will love My Lady Jane.

Book Club Discussion Questions:
  • How does sexism come into play between the characters?  
  • How/where is sexism seen in the world today?
  • What did you think about Edward's inner struggle? (desire to be king/not be king, Verities vs Edians, etc)
  • Did you trust Gracie?  Why or why not?
  • Did the characters show characteristics of their animal form when they were in their human form?
Happy reading!


  1. This is the kind of book I'd pass by without a recommendation, but it looks quite interesting. Sounds perfect for the beach or a long plane ride.

    1. When I first saw the book cover, I didn't really know what to think about it, but it had me hooked in the first few pages. I hope you get a chance to read it!

  2. I loved this book too! I am a big fan of Phillipa Gregory's books so I was familiar with the characters, but I loved seeing them in a YA book. I also loved how they changed history, it made it much more fun!

    1. I haven't read anything by Phillipa Gregory but I'll have to check her out! I loved all the plot twists and it kept me laughing the whole time. Did you know the authors are going to be coming out with two more "Jane" books in the next few years? (Plain Jane about Jane Eyre and another one about Calamity Jane) Super excited!

  3. OMG this book sounds amazing! Adding it to my Amazon wish list now. Thanks for sharing!

    Alix |

  4. Sounds like a good read! Wouldn't it be fun to sometimes be able to rewrite things as you'd like them :)

    1. It definitely would be Patricia! Thank goodness that we have the ability to write our own futures. :)

  5. Thank you for sharing Shani, I have a friend who loves books like that and I have been meaning to buy her a few books as little gifts. She will be so thrilled!!

    1. I'm glad I could help Sabrina! I hope she likes it.

  6. I am usually not a fan of the magical/history genre, but you piqued my interest. I love hearing about new books to read, so thank you!

    1. I've been trying to branch out a little myself. So while this one is still YA fiction, it was interested for me with the historical background. I hope you like it if you choose to read it. :)

  7. I adored this novel and can’t wait for the next novel in the series, “My Plain Jane”! “My Lady Jane” is now one of my favorite books, if you ever see it, pick it up and you won’t be disappointed. You’ll find you’re on the edge of your seat the entire read! I’ll be giving this a 4.2 out of 5 stars! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!
