Fall Flowers and Berries Wreath

Wreaths are an easy way to add a little decor for any season.  This fall flowers and berries wreath can be made for less than 1/2 the price of a store bought one in about 30 minutes!
While fall might not officially be here for another three days, I think it's pretty safe to say that fall is here.  I've been pulling out my fall decor and even made some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and spiced apple cider last week.  The air is cooler, which makes it much more enjoyable for my kids to go and play outside and inside we haven't had the air conditioner on more than a few times this week.  Yes, fall is here whether you want it to be or not.

Today, I'm sharing a super easy tutorial for a fall wreath you can make for about $15.  (I bought all of my supplies at JoAnn's and everything was 40% off.)  Considering that most store bought wreaths start at about $40, I definitely think that making my own was worth it.  Plus, it only took me about 30 minutes and I was able to make it exactly as I had pictured in my head.  Win!

When it comes to fall wreaths, nothing says fall to me like a grapevine wreath.  They are sturdy, add texture and each one is unique.  So for my wreath, I started with the grapevine as the base.  Then I picked up four large flowers, each a different color.  I chose the kind with clips on the back with the thought that if I wanted to change the flowers out at some point in the future that I'd have the flexibility to do so.  Plus, the individual flowers were more full and prettier than the kind that came in a bunch.  Lastly, I knew I wanted some kind of a berry and so I found these little picks and got 3 of each color bunch (yellow/orange and orange/red).

Wreaths are an easy way to add a little decor for any season.  This fall flowers and berries wreath can be made for less than 1/2 the price of a store bought one in about 30 minutes!

Once I got home, I positioned the flowers on the wreath without clipping them.  I decided it would look nice to arrange the flowers from lightest to darkest.

Wreaths are an easy way to add a little decor for any season.  This fall flowers and berries wreath can be made for less than 1/2 the price of a store bought one in about 30 minutes!

Then I unwrapped each berry pick (using an Xacto knife) so that I had 4-5 smaller bunches.  I could have left the picks all together but doing it this way allowed me to mix the colors together and make them go a little further.  After I separated them, I twisted the ends together so the wire wasn't poking out and the bunches would hold together.

Wreaths are an easy way to add a little decor for any season.  This fall flowers and berries wreath can be made for less than 1/2 the price of a store bought one in about 30 minutes!

Starting at the top of the cream flower, I began sticking the berry picks into the grapevine wreath, alternating between the two color groups.  I had just enough to go all the way around.

Lastly, I clipped the flowers into place and fluffed them up a bit and adjusted some of the picks, then hung it on my door!  (I use the 3M hooks.)

Wreaths are an easy way to add a little decor for any season.  This fall flowers and berries wreath can be made for less than 1/2 the price of a store bought one in about 30 minutes!

I love the bright fall colors and the way they contrast with my dark door!  My porch is slowly gearing up for fall and I hope to be adding some cornstalks and a few more pumpkins soon.

Wreaths are an easy way to add a little decor for any season.  This fall flowers and berries wreath can be made for less than 1/2 the price of a store bought one in about 30 minutes!

Wreaths are an easy way to add a little decor for any season.  This fall flowers and berries wreath can be made for less than 1/2 the price of a store bought one in about 30 minutes!

Wreaths are an easy way to add a little decor for any season.  This fall flowers and berries wreath can be made for less than 1/2 the price of a store bought one in about 30 minutes!

Wreaths are an easy way to add a little decor for any season.  This fall flowers and berries wreath can be made for less than 1/2 the price of a store bought one in about 30 minutes!

I hope my fall wreath tutorial inspired you to make your own!  If you're looking for a little more inspiration though, be sure to check out these wreaths below from some very talented ladies!

7 DIY Fall Wreaths to inspire you this fall season!

(from left to right, top to bottom)

Fall Flowers and Berries Wreath (above)  |  Sunshine and Munchkins
Fall Wreath  |  Meet Our Life
Simple DIY Magnolia Wreath  |  Craftivity Designs
DIY Fall Inspired Wreath  |  Restyle It Wright
DIY Fall Wreath  |  Corner 52
DIY Fall Dollar Store Wreath  |  North Country Nest
Leaves and Berries Fall Wreath  |  Making Joy and Pretty Things

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  1. its so sweet! I love how simple it is but sooooo fall. The berries really make the wreath I think!

    1. Thanks Colette! The berries are my favorite part.

  2. It's never too early to start celebrating fall. Your wreath is so cute. LOVE it!!

    1. Thank you! I love fall, but I usually try to hold back on the decor until the beginning of September.

  3. One thing I love the most for fall decor are berry/floral wreaths! If fake flowers weren't so much, I'd have so much more!


    1. I totally agree Anita. Fake flowers can be pretty pricey if you want the kind that look real.

  4. Oh I love this!! I have been debating on making my own wreath! I might have to try it!

    1. Thanks Angela! You should definitely give this one a try. Everything about this wreath is so forgiving since the flowers are clipped on instead of glued and the berry picks are just slid in between the grapevine branches. You could adjust it until you liked how it looked.

  5. I love making wreaths, but mine are usually more winter-oriented. I should make a fall one! Here in Cali, fall seems to come a bit late. It's still super hot out right now. Too hot!

    1. Maybe you could help convince Mother Nature to change the weather a little more quickly but putting up some fall decor. ;) It was actually close to 90 here in Utah today but I still bought some mini pumpkins to put around the house.

  6. I love this, it looks so easy and like something I could do! Cute fall decoration!

    1. This was definitely one of the easiest wreaths I've ever made!

  7. You did such a great job - I love this!

  8. I really like the combination of colors you chose for the flowers - especially the pink! It looks great on your dark door.

    1. Thank you Lora! I was a little unsure about the pink when I bought it but I love the way it pulled everything together.

  9. Your wreath turned out so beautifully. I love those colors Shani!!

  10. Love how it turned out! The littles berries are the sweetest touch and definitely remind me of fall.

  11. I love love love your wreath. I love the addition of the wild berries. Your porch looks really pretty!!!

    1. Thank you so much Zan! I love the berries too. :) I am still adding some stuff to my front porch to complete the whole look. Reveal next Monday. ;)

  12. This wreath is way too cute and it goes great with your other porch decorations!

  13. What a warm welcome! I love the colors and the berries really scream Fall. Which I would love to enjoy if the weather would cool down.

  14. Your wreath is beautiful! However, why wreaths? I am trying to minimalize everything in my home, and decorations were the first thing to go, haha. I can't handle them taking up storage space...

  15. This is such a pretty wreath! I love it!

  16. This wreath is SO pretty, I love the berry sprays!!
